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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Justin Jeffre: Is Bigger Really Better?

In a year where some candidates are spending a quarter of a million dollars to become a Councilmember -- rolling out big corporate media buys with big corporate campaign contributions -- one must wonder if bigger really is better.

And right here on this blog, in posts like this one by
Pat Fischer, or even this one by Chris Bortz, the candidates have started using BIGGER FONTS to try to draw ATTENTION to themselves.

Is this really what things have come to? Is BIGGER really BETTER? Is this message more effective because of MY VERY LARGE font?

Think BIG! Vote JEFFRE!



at 9:30 PM, October 28, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the type of thing that got Cincinnati into trouble in the first place. When Justin Jeffre decides to be an adult then he can run for office. Until then I think I speak for many when I say we demand that Justin Jeffre drop out of the race.

at 11:02 PM, October 28, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

what do people think is the over under for the number of votes J.J. will get? 1000? 2000?

my guess is 2750 (last election the top vote getter was over 40k)

at 7:42 AM, October 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grow up, kid.

at 9:49 AM, October 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, your audience isn't pre-teens anymore...get a clue...and "rescue" someone else's neighborhood.

at 4:25 PM, October 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin - you're cute. Come back in another 10 or 15 years when you've had a chance to grow up.

at 7:45 PM, October 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


at 7:45 PM, October 29, 2007 Blogger Someone said...

The anonymous commenters need to "grow up." The childish thing is turning a blind eye while people like Pat Fischer spend a quarter of a million dollars for a part time job that pays $60K. Meanwhile, he engages weird font tricks on blogs to draw even more attention to himself.

So what's the big deal? Justin's piece is satirical, and it makes a good point at the same time.

But no one here has anything to say about the real issue in this post. Instead, just insults -- but not even criticisms in the form of satire, just plain insults.

Satire takes much more sophistication than plain jokes.

And the real joke is on Cincinnati, when these corporate owned politicians get theirs, again, because of all the status quo thinkers in this town.

at 8:03 PM, October 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin: Get a clue. Dump the nerdy hat and the shirt opened down to the middle of your chest. No one will take you seriously until you at least LOOK like you are serious. Get involved in the community, make a MEASURABLE contribution for an extended period of time then maybe think about running for a leadership position in Cincinnati. (my guess is that he will get under 28 votes)

at 9:27 AM, October 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dean of Cincinnati" = Justin Jefre.

Nice try!

at 10:25 AM, October 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Dean,

Who cares how Pat Fischer runs his campaign? At least he has a viable platform. All I've seen from Jusin Jeffre is name-calling and pouting about font-sizes.

It's not our fault that Justin Jeffre can't raise the same amount of money as other candidates. I don't see how their ability to do so makes them bad candidates.

I agree with others here - Justin needs to grow up before he is ready to hold an office like this. Publishing a critical blog does not make one qualified for holding office.

at 10:57 AM, October 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Justin Jeffre?

at 4:20 PM, October 30, 2007 Blogger Someone said...

Did it occur to you that Justin does not want to raise a quarter of a million dollars to win a Council seat?

Did it occur to you that the millions spent on this political race is outrageous, when you think of the real needs in our community?

at 8:25 PM, October 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then tell him to stop complaining abut it. That's his choice.

By the way, best of luck with that strategy.

at 8:56 PM, October 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever stop and think that Justin Jeffre is in over his head? He reminds me of an annoying guy i went to grade school/high school with. Delusions of Grandeur come to mind. Mr. Jeffre obviously has political ambitions that are beyond his ability to capture.

With the way he has presented himself on this blog and on that joke of a 'paper' that you guys call the Beacon, I'm honestly surprised he has the Green Party's nomination. Ralph Nader's Green party it ain't.

Jeffre's politics are as disposable as his music.

You did your best to ruin pop music, stop trying to ruin Cincinnati.

at 8:59 PM, October 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Who cares how Pat Fischer runs his campaign? At least he has a viable platform."

'Fish-her has viable platform" ?


at 9:49 PM, October 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure Jeffre is a viable candidate but when candidates are spending 250k to get a 60k job??

Could it be that special interests are paying to get their own Councilperson to "protect" their own interests.
Berding/Bengals is just one example.

We need a new form of government - Indy-style regional? Enquirer floated it but the powers-that-be like the status quo.

The rich get richer and the rest of us pay more taxes to support them. Strange.

at 11:26 AM, October 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to have Justin's political attack dog, Jason Haap chime in. Sorry no one is taking your boy seriously, but it's practically impossible to give credibility to someone who takes the Neighborhood Summit, which happens every February; and re names it the "Neighborhood Rescue Plan", and puts it out there like it's a revolutionary idea. Oh wait, I get it; the "Neighborhood Rescue Plan" is satire. But it's a great plan; compared his "Plan" of the same name from his unsuccessful run for mayor, where he advocated eminent domain usage for community councils to take control of vacant houses. He even advocated that they be allowed to sell the properties, with the money to go into a fund that the councils would share. Can you imagine the level of corruption that would have introduced.

at 8:43 PM, November 01, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand how being a singer in pop band makes Jeffre think he's qualified to be a city leader. Perhaps holding a real job and investing some significant time serving the community would demonstrate that his commitment to Cincinnati rather than his own ego and ambition.

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