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Thursday, October 04, 2007

More questions for the candidates

Here are a couple more good questions from readers for candidates for Cincinnati City Council. All 25 candidates now have guest posting privileges on this blog. All have agreed to post their positions and answer questions from readers here as part of our ongoing endorsement evaluation process. A reminder to the candidates: Please put your positions and answers up as fresh posts, not just as comments to this post. Readers can comment on any entry.

Although Patrick Morrison, who asks the question about the jail, lives in Finneytown, we have included his question because of its relevance to the city. Public safety is frequently cited by city residents as their top concern. We believe anyone seeking a seat on City Council should be able to address this concern.

The questions:

If the sales tax to fund a new jail is overturned by the voters on Election Day, what do you propose council does to deal with the shortage of jail space?
Patrick Morrison, Finneytown

Do any of the candidates have the spine to repeal the anti-marijuana ordinance as Justin Jeffre has promised to do?
Michael Humler, Clifton


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