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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Playing the piano for Don Imus

Procter & Gamble, General Motors, Staples and American Express reportedly are dropping their ads from Don Imus’ radio show, outraged that his outrageousness has offended a customer base they seek to target. Do you suppose for all the years they had been subsidizing Imus’ brand of misogynous insult they had somehow mistaken it for the Prairie Home Companion?

Imus’ description of the Rutgers women’s basketball team was racist and sexist. It was also pretty typically Imus. Check out the op-ed column by Gwen Ifill in Tuesday’s New York Times.

Margaret McGurk’s well-done piece in Wednesday’s Enquirer about what pushes the content on talk radio also offered plenty of insight into how somebody like Don Imus gets to be somebody like Don Imus. I usually don’t agree with what Bill Cunningham has to say, but his quote about the piano player not knowing what’s going on upstairs in the bawdy house perfectly describes the “outrage” over Imus now being expressed by sponsors and broadcast executives.

Actually, the sponsors and executives aren’t the only ones playing the piano. Those listening to such broadcasts also have their fingers on the keyboard. The listeners also are the best ones to deal with somebody like Imus. You want to control what comes out of the radio? Turn it off.


at 5:48 PM, April 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Imus is carried on Cincinnati radio? I've never heard his show. But what you describe reads alot like the Howard Stern show too.

at 11:27 PM, April 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If corporate America is playing the piano - I love the new song!

THank God, P&G, Staples, American Express have taken the stand - no matter their motivations - to do the right thing!

But I want this new song played on every darn radio station across the country -- and that puts Bill Cunningham on the top 10 hits of the season.

Anything less would be hypocracy, so their work has just begun to clean up the airwaves with their corporate power that speaks what is right and should be right.

at 11:37 PM, April 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

All women and minorities need to unite against talk trash radio that promotes racism, sexism, and the denegration of vulnerable members of society.
UC women take this stand!
Miami women take this stand!
NKU, KU, MSJ, everyone from A to Z -- take this stand and leave your imprint on society!!!!

at 8:31 AM, April 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like 11:27pm and 11:37pm said, we communist liberals of the world need to unite and ban all talk radio. The people own the airwaves and it should be controlled by our liberal socialist members of congress who think the right way.

Long live "AIR AMERICA". We need to publicly fund this station to educate the masses how to think correctly.

at 10:53 AM, April 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was what Imus said Nice? No. Was what he said racist? That can be debatable. I myself have called my own kids nappy headed little brats...The word Nappy is not specifically attached to the african americans. Teenages of ALL races use the word "hoe" today, so its not a word describing a black woman.Should they have pulled the plug on him? No in my opinion because here in America, we do still have the right to free speech. What should have been done was to monitor his ratings to see if America would still listen, therefore judging whether or not Americans condone what he did. I do feel however that he owes them an apology personally.
As for Al Sharpton I can only wonder. It seems that anymore, any quote can be taken as racist to this man. I wonder how he would feel if I were to go to some of the black comic's shows and take offense each time they make fun of white people....Face it, we're all of one race, human, and if we can't poke fun at each other, if all the humor in life is gone, then life isn't worth living.

at 1:06 PM, April 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

So are we going to see any outrage expressed by the Enquirer or the AP over MSNBC firing Imus? You just ran an article about a Princeton school principal who pulled an article from the school paper that he and/or the board didn't like. We always hear about "1st amendment" protection in those sorts of cases, well, how about this one?

I firmly believe that P&G and any other advertiser is perfectly within its rights to pull advertising, and I believe ownership of any news medium has the right to control what is published. But let's be consistent here. If it is wrong for Princeton to take action, then it's wrong for MSNBC to do the same.

at 2:15 PM, April 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Liberals want to eat their own in Imus and Stern, have at it. Most sane people don't care for "trash talk" radio anyway.

If they think this is a prelude to going after conservative talk show hosts, they will fail.

Trash Talk is about being outrageous and an attempt at humor. Conservative Talk Radio is about competing for the hearts and minds of listeners by presenting arguments supporting the conservative viewpoint and opposing by exposing the hypocrisy of liberals.

Trash Talk and Conservative Talk Radio are worlds apart. To bad for the Libs.

at 6:08 PM, April 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon@2:15 Do you really believe in " liberals and conservatives", and that one is good ...the other bad? But even more ridiculous, that Imus and Stern are liberal ..or conservative? It's people like you that make me hope an asteroid will come crashing to Earth and destroy all life.

Maybe I have no room to to talk -- I divide the world into hustlers and suckers. Maybe us hustlers will survive the mass extinction of you suckers.

at 8:24 PM, April 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Trash Talk and Conservative Talk Radio are worlds apart." True. Trash Talk radio is a joke that doesn't take itself seriously and listeners don't take seriously. Conservative Talk Radio is mindless regurgitation of White House talking points that takes itself much too seriously.

Another difference: Imus raises 3 million dollars a year for sick kids; Rush Lamebrain spends 3 million dollars a year on his drugs. Any questions?

at 8:49 PM, April 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:08pm and 8:24pm will receive the response their drivel deserve.

at 8:36 AM, April 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord that the moral authority of the Liberal Democratic Party stood up and renounced Imus and got him fired. Praise Jesse Jackson. Praise Al Sharpton. These are the true leaders and role models for all of the Liberal Democratic Party.

No Justice... No Peace !

at 6:58 PM, April 13, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Oh yes, now that Don Imus is unemployed and his career is ruined, NOW Rutgers University will forgive him, instead of gunning for the rappers who coined the phrase first??


What about all the NASTY RAP SONGS written and 'sung' by blacks that call black women much worse than Imus did? Oh, that's right. It's OK for blacks to be nasty mouthed, foul, misbehaving, disgusting, racist, lawbreaking, uncivilized citizens of this country, but not for white people to follow their lead.

This is OVERT racism...Imus was wrongfully terminated.


What a crock of garbage! Imus was wrong, but THE BLACK COMMUNITY IS WORSE for not cleaning their own house!

at 7:59 AM, April 16, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should know that Don Imus is only a pawn in a much bigger game. He apologized to Rutgers when he had no job but that's not good enough for Sharpton. It never is. The carnival act that is Sharpton and Jackson only made Imus a martyr. And it's hard to believe that the SPINELESS executives at Cincinnati's own Proctor & Gamble actually caved under Sharpton's intimidation.

at 9:32 AM, April 16, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Procter and Gamble has a recent history of caving to racist hustlers.

John Pepper started this appeasement policy of payoffs, as a business decision to stave off boycotts organized by Jesse Jackson. Look up the Facts!

at 9:15 PM, April 16, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not know who Imus was until I became bored with the other channels and started to watch Imus about two years ago.

He did interesting interviews with politicians and media persons, and also had some good musical entertainment. I am not a fan of country music which he seemed to favor, but I listened. He had the
Beach Boys on once or twice and they put on a good show.

The bad part about Imus was that his show did racist and sexist "put downs." This got him into trouble too many times. I tired of the countless times the Mayor of New Orleans and the Clintons were made fun of. What he said about the members of the Rutgers women's basketball team, as explained to me, was awful. I missed that, and even if I had heard it when it was said, I would not have known what Imus meant, except it sounded like an insult. I am 72 years old and do not listen to rap music. Even if I did, I cannot understand what is being said or sung.

I disagree with the Enquirer's Imus Editorial in the Editorial Page for Monday, April 16, 2007, which by the way was in my Sunday Enquirer where the missing obituary page is supposed to be.

I think the vile references said to be in rap songs does have bearing on what Imus did. Where do you think he got the references? Our entire society is becoming too obnoxious, vile and threatening. It is not just Imus.

After a while, a person just starts to give up and accept it as normal, or turn off a lot of television and radio programs.

If this is what free speech is supposed to amount to, God help us.

I will miss the good parts of the Imus show, but not the bad parts.

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