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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Kids taunting other kids about race

What would you do if you got a call from the school principal saying your child had been taunting another child for being of a different race? What's the appropriate discipline for such behavior by elementary school children?

Have you talked about racial differences with your children? At what age? After all, kids aren't taught prejudice in the classroom.

If your child were the target of taunting by other children would you call the school or the taunters' parents? Would your response be different if the taunting involved race?

These are questions raised by the story of an incident at a Lakota elementary school reported in Tuesday's Enquirer.

We've received a number of letters about this particular incident but we want to take the discussion into the broader community. We think this is a good topic for discussion in this forum and we also are opening up a moderated message board at Cincinnati.com. Keyword: Opinion. Or feel free to send an e-mail directly to me at dwells@enquirer.com. I'm also copying this post on the CincyMoms' race and culture and elementary education boards as well.


at 12:45 AM, April 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story should have had a link to the original story - so I'm glad to see it.

First off - the sad truth is children of this young age and limited social structures /contacts reveals a great deal about the families they come from. Racism is being taught at home, today, right now, in Greater Cincinnati and this is absolutely deplorable.

But, I completely disagree with Mom here. The best we can ask for in society is honesty and this principal offered candid and brutally truthful apologies, recognized his own weaknesses and identified the causes of his weaknesses --Mom, you can't get better than that - really. Firing this man isn't the answer, keeping him there will INSURE that the issue of diversity will be given far more than lip service - it will be given his dedicated attention. Mom, the pain you feel for your son's experience will never be satisfied going this route - I promise you.
But I would reveal the names of the families who taught this horrific type of behavior and belief system - I'm sure their fellow church parishioners will be appalled. Release their names and demand a public explanation for their failures as parents and the damage done to your son and our society.

at 12:48 AM, April 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racism is alive and well and breeding a new generation in Christian epicenter of the Miami Valley.
Second graders who have been taught hatred and racism should send shivers up our spines.

The principal is right and should be commended.

The mother is misguided in her anger.

at 8:58 AM, April 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racism is alive and thriving as it has during all of mankind’s history. When are ALL of us going to be held to the same racism standards? Racism is not an exclusive club among Whites.

However, political correctness run amuck will not acknowledge and correct racism by "minorities". Society needs to recognize problems before they can be corrected.

at 11:34 AM, April 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its parents right to teach their kids anything they want. If a parent wants to teach their kids to be Nazi skinheads what business is it of yours? You want to give your kid diversity training that’s your right and by the way it doesnt make you better in way shape or form. It is the schools job to teach children to read, write, arithmetic and conform to societal norms. I would argue that jamming this diversity shtick down the throats of kids is as dangerous as teaching your kids to be racist. Evil exists and children need to be able to differentiate between good and evil.
Demand a public explanation why parents are failures? A parent is a failure because they don’t subscribe to YOUR values. You're a fascist.
I don’t condone parents teaching kids to be racist, it’s appalling but I also don’t condone schools getting involved with diversity training. Not all societies and cultures are equal and our kids shouldn’t be taught that they are.

at 10:24 PM, April 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 12:48am shows that bigotry comes from all types. What does Christianity have to do with this discussion? If you hate Christians just say so. But you have no basis for your accusation that Christianity teaches racism.

May your heart and mind be enlightened this Easter Season.

at 11:27 PM, April 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Solorunner - what an appropriate name - it's all about you isn't it?
First, racial intimidation or discrimination are both illegal and one's a crime. -- A crime. So , no, parents aren't allowed to teach their children to racially intimidate others just as they can't have them shoplift for them. It is child abuse also to exploit your children in an illegal quest.
Second, while many people have their own beliefs system - that offend God - excluding people or singling them out from playing basketball or from ajob- is discrimination. Also illegal.
And, finally, discrimination is when a group with the power, authority and control institutes derogatory actions against another group for no other reason but their differences. Blacks do not have the power, authority or control to "discriminate" against whites - they can think or believe anything they want - but they lack the dominance in society to effectively discriminate.
But I'm tired of talking to ignorant people.

at 8:13 AM, April 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 11:27pm is a perfect example of the racism and bigotry that exists today in the minority community, perpetrated against both whites and their fellow minorities.

11:27pm comments display that ignorance and racism knows no bounds. I guess he/she believes being a minority is a blank check for all and any criminal and antisocial behavior. Sadly, this is what national Black leadership has taught their stupid followers.

at 9:05 AM, April 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad that racist like 11:27 PM, April 04, 2007 never tire of sharing their stupidity. Please take your own advice and SHUTUP !

at 10:47 AM, April 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

No actually I’m a long distance runner and I do it by myself, hence the moniker. Its not all about me its about folks like you jamming your diversity crap down the throats of everyone else and screaming racist if they don’t agree with you. Teaching ones kids to hate because of skin color or training your kid to be a bank robber is imbecilic but it’s not your place to decide what is taught in someone’s home. It becomes a slippery slope. Your last comment and all its passion “Blacks do not have power …..to “discriminate” against whites is classic . Blacks can’t be racist and can’t discriminate, how convenient. Blacks can’t be held responsible for their actions only whites can be held up to hate crimes. That’s not discriminatory? Ignorant people? Can we infer that you discriminate against people that don’t think like you? That would be called Fascism.

at 3:58 PM, April 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a practicing Catholic and just don't know what to do about my fellow parishioners who pray with me and African Americans while in church and then sit around the ballfield watching our kids practice and make the most horrific racial comments you can imagine.
So, I try to front this hypocricy every chance I get - it demeans my fiath, the tenets of my religion, and those in my community who find the same hypocracy.

at 9:03 PM, April 05, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. an act or instance of discriminating.
2. treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
3. the power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.
4. Archaic. something that serves to differentiate.

Its convenient how Liberals and ANON 11:27 PM love to make up their own definitions for the plain English language, when it suits their arguments. No where does DISCRIMINATION define that a person in dominance can only discriminate against a person with less power.

Other examples of Liberals’ attempt to redefine accepted terms for word usage include:
-Lied. As in Bush “Lied”, when he in hindsight acted on bad widely accepted international intelligence information. He “screwed up” but he did not lie.
-Is. The infamous Bill Clinton Monica deposition
-Marriage. The equivocation of a heterosexual marriage relationship with a gay “civil union”.
-Activist Judges. Liberals call Scalia and Thomas ‘activist’ because these two believe in the traditional interpretation of existing law and not the Liberals’ belief that the courts should write law.

The list is extensive but no need to go further here.

at 1:34 PM, April 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again, I am white, I live in a lily white neighborhood, attend a predominatly white church, my kids went to catholic schools, my husband all my children are white------ I am educated and work inthe legal field -- discrimination has a different meaning in professional / legal context.
It's over your head and apparently beyond your scope of understanding or willingness to understand.
Enjoy your march tomorrow - or just sit back and cowardly cheer them on - it is obvious where your heart is.

at 1:44 PM, April 07, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what you are trying to refer to with Scalia et al is that they are strict constructionist of law. The problem is, law is evolving with social and scientific knowledge. Otherwise we would not be able to do business outside our own states, we would not be able to use new technology, we would not be able to offer new medicines,.... law evolves with advancements of society - therefore there is no such thing as a strict contructionist - only someone who wants to claim that moniker in oreder to evade their DUTY to create (case) law that reflects the social norms of the day.
But I do agree - Clinton is a liar, Bush- my friend- is a liar and judges are serving their personal beliefs rather than a nation of law, not men on both sides of the table.
Anyone, can be a racist but you have to have power to discriminate effectively in most circumstances.

Curious- do you really believe that blacks are treated the same as whites in the criminal justice system? By cops? By teachers?

at 10:03 AM, April 09, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 3:58 PM, April 05, 2007
Are you referring to how freely Blacks call each by the “N” word; and how Black men call Black women "Ho’s"?

I agree. I don't like this either!

at 6:17 PM, April 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:44pm what a crock you live in.

Do you remember the race riots of 2002 in Cincinnati? Blacks purposely selected whites to pull out of cars and beat. They even beat a white hog dog vendor. Did the hog dog vendor have all the POWER? By what reasoning are you stating these actions by blacks were not discrimination against whites?

Your selective application of English definitions is bizarre and irrational. Sadly, the world will not improve until your misguided generation of the 1960’s crowd pass on.

You treat Blacks as your pet projects and as unequals. All would be better served by providing equal opportunity and holding all to the same standards. But, by your policies and condensation, your bigotry continues to holds Blacks down on the plantation. This must be the control you want to maintain as their MASTERS.

at 8:17 AM, April 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 1:34pm It is obvious why you have difficulty relating to people. You are very condescending to both whites and blacks. Your "lily white" (your term) east side upbringing has sheltered your perspective and education.

May your heart and mind be enlightened to see both blacks and whites as equals. We blacks are every bit as capable as you.

We need to be treated fairly and without the arrogant attitude. Demeaning liberal policies have robbed us of our family structure, values, and personal respect. Shame on you!

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