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Monday, March 26, 2007

Stupid gun tricks: Chapter II

Once again we come to you of a story about somebody doing something stupid with a gun.

Not, mind you, that there is anything wrong with owning a gun. It’s just that there seems to be an abundance of people who do, but who couldn’t blow their noses if brains were gunpowder.

For example: Phillip Thompson, aide to Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va. The Washington Post reported that Thompson was arrested Monday when he tried to walk into the Russell Senate Office Building carrying a loaded handgun and a couple of spare magazines.

Capitol Police charged him with carrying a handgun without a license, possessing an unregistered firearm and unregistered ammunition.
Thompson, “a former marine, long-term friend and trusted employee of the senator,” committed an “oversight,” according to a statement issued by Jessica Smith, spokeswoman for the senator.

What was the oversight? Carrying an unregistered gun in the nation’s capitol? Carrying a gun into the Senate office building? Or packing a gun and enough ammo to make a lot of people nervous and then forgetting you had it on you as you walked through the X-ray machine at the entrance of a well-guarded government building in the nation’s capitol?

No word yet on whether this guy still works for the senator, and if so, why.


at 9:06 PM, March 26, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

David said:

"Once again we come to you of a story about somebody doing something stupid with a gun."

Gee David, I am beginning to think you have a thing against guns.

BTW it turns out that he was carrying Webb's gun for him. Nice to know that in one of the most dangerous cities in the US that a member of Congress or the Senate can carry a firearm at all (even into a Federal building) yet deny the same right to the citizens of D.C. Seems that he believes that his life is more important than the hoi polloi residents of the District of Columbia.

As Webb's aide is a former Marine I think you should tell him face to face that he is so stupid he ".... couldn’t blow their noses if brains were gunpowder."

at 9:20 AM, March 28, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee a followup here from the NYTimes:


"This is not the first time police manning checkpoints into congressonal buildings have stumbled upon weapons. In 1986, a bodyguard for Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, was arrested when he entered a Senate building with two submachine guns and a pistol."

Two submachine guns?.....I am glad to know that Senator Kennedy can afford private security...wait a minute. I am glad that I probably paid for private security for Senator Kennedy for his protection. Something that I bet most residents of D.C. and other law-abiding citizens can't afford to put into their personal household budget. It just amazes me that Mr. Kennedy would strip the right of self-protection from others while reserving it for himself and his fellow legislators. It is almost as bad as Diane Fienstein on one had decrying that "Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe."

--U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein Associated Press 11/18/93

"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an out right ban,
picking up every one of them... "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in,
"I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here."

--U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), CBS-TV's "60 Minutes," 2/5/95

Yet she reserves that right for herself....she is liscensed to carry a .38 caliber pistol concealed.

I guess she believes like Leona Helmsley that "Rules, like taxes are for the little people."

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