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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A core class: Mental Health 101

More American college students are using campus mental health services than ever before, according to a study out this week. Liberal arts colleges reported nearly a fourth of their students sought some mental health service while 13 percent of students at larger universities did, according to a survey of college counseling centers by the Anxiety Disorders Association of America.

In a recent Pennsylvania State University study, 60 percent of college health center directors reported record numbers of students accessing mental health care and for longer periods of time.

While other factors play into those numbers -- a bumper crop of college freshmen, for example, and more students entering college on psychiatric medication -- the bottom line is that young people are voluntarily seeking treatment in record numbers. How terrific if young Americans break through the stigma that has long and foolishly surrounded mental health care.

College may be portrayed as a heady blend of freedom, intellect and partying, but it can also be a lonely and overwhelming time. Anxiety and depression can appear or resurface.

Both colleges and parents can make sure young people know what mental health services are available to them and feel comfortable accessing them.

Leaving college willing, able and ready to take care of their own emotional health would be one of the best lessons students learned on campus.


at 2:30 PM, March 28, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

Higher education can try the human mind. My Pappy, a Jr. high drop-out, warned me to steer clear of college.

I remember the day he sat me down back in 1966, and told me as he lit my cigarette, " Son, a little knowledge is dangerous - but too much knowledge will blow your friggin mind... and always remember; if ignorance is bliss then education will blister your brain"

g'night John boy

at 5:08 PM, March 28, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s see…mental health “services” are on the rise: Hip, Hip, Hooray!

A time for celebration among liberals. Mental health dependencies play into the whole victimization policy of liberals; and that we are ill equipped to be responsible and in control of our own lives.

As a medical professional, I suggest that a greater cause for celebration would be a reduction in the NEED for mental health care.

Maybe we should stop over drugging our children, with Ritalin and other medications. Adults are overdosing too, while taking prescription cocktails, in an unsuccessful attempt to combat both known and unknown drug interactions.

Maybe we should demand of ourselves and family that we get eight hours of sleep or more per day. Most Anxiety and many illnesses result from a LACK of SLEEP, especially REM sleep. The body needs to rest thoroughly to prevent illness and to heal when sick. Could the fact that over 50% of Americans are overweight and over 25% obese be a cause for poor mental and physical health?

A rise in use of mental health services is not a cause for celebration. It is a sign for how dysfunctional as a society and as individuals we have become. Hooray for Krista Ramsey!

FYI, I recognize there are a small percentage of individuals who do benefit from Mental Health Care. I also realize that a smaller percentage of patients require lifelong treatment.

However, the key for good healthcare is to prevent and treat the cause but not focus exclusively on the symptoms! The keys for good health: EAT CORRECTLY, EXERCISE and get your SLEEP. Or more crudely, if you treat your body like crap you’re going to feel like crap.

at 9:20 AM, March 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll written Anon 5:08 pm. With Krista's thinking:
- Clothing manufacturers now make lots of choices among 2X, 3X, 4X, and 5X size clothes. Thank God for Velcro and Baggy Sweats. That’s a big Hurrah!!
- Foreclosures are on the rise, as people recognize their financial money management limitations and weaknesses….Hurrah!
- 50% of marriages end in divorce….Hurrah!
- Jails are overcrowded and criminals are released early…..Hurrah!
- Educational standards have been lowered to recognize the poorer performing as acceptable and “Passing”….Hurrah!
Yes, we have a lot to be thankful for that so many have lowered their standards, given up, and succumb to their inability to cope. Life is unfair and we are all helpless victims. …..Hurrah!!!

at 10:28 AM, March 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 5:58 - you're just plain scary. What's your problem, do you see your patients seeking an alternative to your "kick in the pants" kind of treatment.

People accessing psych help tells us a couple things
1) they need support
2) they know where to go to get it
3) the stigma is dissipitating enough that when they need it andit's available - they use it. (Despite the idiots who jogging to be the end all cure for emotional health issues - boy that'll really wipe out the impact of an abusive relationship, the stress of grades and their "future", etc.

If jogging and 8 hours of sleep cures emotional health, then maybe 10 hours sleep and running a marathon will cure schizophrenia?

at 10:36 AM, March 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you call a poor man's psychiatrist? A good friend.

I'm just being cute.

Thought comes to mind, that principal who committed suicide recently jumping off a bridge.

Obviously, there is still a great need for expanding the availability of mental health services and removing the impediments preventing people from getting help.

Well, maybe if she just got a good night's sleep and treated her body better - she wouldn't have taken a leap off a bridge.

at 8:26 AM, March 30, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss Anon 10:28am. I realize that you missed the gist of Krista's positing that she is celebrating the dramatic rise in use of mental health care.
Further, you selectively ignored my acknowledgement that some patients actually do require lifelong treatment.

Best wishes with your treatment.

at 12:54 PM, March 30, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

Many incidence' of so-called mental health issues are actually demon possession. College students are especially susceptible to Satan's foul minions -- just look at " Girls Gone Wild".

We need more exorcists and young Republican clubs on campus and less mental health quacks.

at 7:00 AM, March 31, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 10:36am
Great logic in your argument.

Sight one incident and rationalize it as justification that we all need mental health care. This is typical reasoning of the Oprah crowd. You should have cited that the suicide was an innocent child to be more convincing.

at 8:50 AM, April 03, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals love to justify their public policies by rationalizing if one child’s life is saved the "ends justify the means" and their policy is working.

However, if 90% of their intended public policy targets are injured by their same policy, they are still OK with the results. Libs just focus on that one child they saved, for their "feel good" activism. The rest of us be damn!

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