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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

'Kramer's' foot in mouth

I thought Seinfeld was one of the funniest shows ever produced, though it did not see New York from the perspective of people of color.

Comedy can be colorblind, but Michael "Kramer" Richards is foolish.

Until this week, I loved his comedic acting. Now, I'm astonished at the words that came from his mouth last week.

His racist tirade against two African-American hecklers Friday night at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles exposed him as a bigot, even though he said he's not. And his half-hearted apology wasn't enough.

As Seinfeld promotes its seventh season on DVD, Richards may cost folks a lot of money because of the lens viewers will now see him through. Comedy is meant to be edgy and all that, but the vitriol Roberts spewed came from deep within. He needs help.

It was not funny.


at 6:23 PM, November 21, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you may understand why Conservatives have trouble listening to Barbara Striesand, Dixie Chicks, Whoopi, Depp, etc.

Its hard seperating the Actor or Singer from their true mindless expressions and politics.

at 9:44 PM, November 21, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

it isn't clear to me what michael richards tirade has to do with the dixie chicks or barbara streisand expressing an opinion about the sad state of the country. whoops, i guess i must be a libbberaaaal.

none the less, having listened to the tirade, its clear that he has an ugly hateful side that came out when he got backed into the corner. what is frightening is that most of us probably have some buried set of prejudices which with enough anger, alcohol, or provocation could be exposed to our personal detriment.

i agree it wasn't funny, but then come to think of it, neither was seven years of seinfeld. really, the last funny thing i heard was robin williams describing the origin of the game of golf.

at 10:17 PM, November 21, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse me, but this guy's comments are not the same thing as the Dixie Chicks or Barbara Streisand expressing their political views . . . and where do you even get off making such a comparison?! Politics and racism are two separate issues. This was a cheap shot, pure and simple. The writer of the first comment should be ashamed of himself, but I'll bet instead he's getting a good, perverted chuckle . . .

at 12:46 AM, November 22, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think alot of people here locally have these racist comments just below the skin.
Yes it was a disgusting view of what I think alot of us are capable of.

at 1:00 AM, November 22, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess "Kramer" won't be keynoting at the NAACP convention in '08 . Maybe Michael Richards and Kanye West can co-headline "Racists for Comic Relief." Then again...maybe not .

at 10:32 AM, November 22, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Byron McCauley is stating that he use to enjoy Kramer on Seinfeld until this week's racist tirade.
Byron's taste for an entertainer changed based on this actor's off-screen comments and actions.

Its sad when critical bloggers' comments miss a fundamental point of the author, and expose their personal agendas.
Please read carefully what the author and responders write before you expose yourself to the rest of us.

at 2:12 PM, November 22, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that the reading comprehension skills of bloggers are poor. Is this evidence of the dumbing down of our educational standards and SAT/ACT testing?

at 2:28 PM, November 22, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well jeez, Washington was a slave owner, so I guess its hard to take anything Washington said seriously either. Come to think of it, I really don't care too much for Trent Lott, who is racist and still wields much conservative power. You think that politics and racism are the same thing? People on the left get spat on for criticizing the war and boycotted by conservative factions, when all along they were right. The war was wrong! It was stupid, just as racism as stupid, but do you have conservatives apologizing for supporting a campaign that lead to tens of thousands of deaths? No! Instead, they make fun of the critics (who were right) by comparing them to racists. Cincinnati continues to astound me with the fine people it produces . . .

at 9:12 PM, November 26, 2006 Blogger John in Cincinnati said...

Richards' behavior was foolish and he may need help, as Byron suggests.

I think the incident may be indicative of a larger problem our society has been experiencing in recent years, almost a culture of hate, demonizing anyone who's not like "us."

I hope Richards deals with his own demons. I hope we all do.

at 1:14 PM, November 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

He may need help? Did I read that correctly? Does he need to go to a state sanctioned re-education camp? Is his idiotic tirade a disease? If it’s a disease he can’t be held responsible.
Why is he apologizing to the shakedown king Jesse Jackson? Richards’s comments were the mark of a man whose career is falling apart around him. He may be offensive but what about the two that harassed him while he was on stage do they not have some responsibility in this? I smell a shakedown... by the two guys/victims. If not they certainly hired a high enough profile lawyer to extract an apology for them cause you know its not about the money.
So much for free speech.

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