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Friday, November 17, 2006

Who are all those youth downtown?

Downtown Cincinnati felt absolutely electric today.

I decided to take an alternate route into the city. I was pleasantly startled by the Huge McCormick & Smick's Seafood Restaurant sign at the Westin, fronting Fountain Square. Almost felt like Chicago. Shows what the Square can become over time. Can't wait to check it out.

Tried to get coffee at the 4th Street Starbucks. No deal. The line was 30 deep, mostly teenagers.
Lunch at Subway. Same. So I asked Jon with the nametag from Pittsburgh what was going on.

Turns out, Jon was a youth pastor, in town with 3,000 kids, parents and other ministers, for the third of four National Youth Workers Conventions to equip them for ministry. It is organized by National Youth Specialties. They'll be here through Sunday. Anaheim, Calif., and Austin, Texas have hosted events. Charlotte, N.C. will hold an event beginning Nov. 30.

I agree with my colleague, Krista Ramsey, middle school-age Sunday School teacher and mom of a teenager, about the importance of youth ministers: "At an age when many kids don’t relate as well to their parents, they often form incredibly deep (and permanent) relationships with their youth leaders," she told me.

So, welcome to Cincinnati, youth workers. That's OK about the long lines. While we have to wait a little bit longer, retailers love you. You bring positive energy and you do good work.

And during your prayer walk through Cincinnati Sunday, consider sending up prayer or two for local youth, damaged by a rising drop-out rate and criminal activity.



at 3:44 PM, November 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Byron - you ask a good question - who are theseyouth? But ask it on another day when there are flocks of kids downtown. (Which many of us would find "alarming" and "intimidating")

I wonder whatyou would find - from Colerain? Mt Airy? Forest Park?

I'm reminded that one day when my son and I had to go dowtown for who knows what - he said, there's so and so, I can't believe she's down here.

I really wonder who those kids are and what are they doing dowtown.

Are they fleeing something out here in the suburbs? Are they city dwellers?

I think we might be surprised to learn who they are and what they are doing and why.

Here's my guess - they aren't welcome to hang out in there own neighborhoods without getting hassled, they're from the suburbs and a few of them are going to run into some trouble --- I reallyjust wonder.

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