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Friday, November 17, 2006

Creating a place for criminals

Few people have captured the essence of Cincinnati's chronic dysfunction better than Independence resident Bob Williams did this week regarding safety at the Cincinnati end of the pedestrian Purple People Bridge, the scene of a violent attack on a couple last week.

"Cincinnati has done a poor job responding to something that could be a good thing for the city," Williams said. "They created a place for criminals. There are bushes and trees but no destination on the other side of the bridge."

They created a place for criminals. Yep, that's about right. The way that area was left after the auto approaches to the bridge were torn down several years ago seemed designed for such an attack to take place. If you've ever walked from downtown to get to the bridge (or vice versa), you know the kind of abandoned setting -- custom-made for lurking -- you have to traverse. It's creepy enough on a sunny Saturday afternoon during the summer. Imagine it after midnight on a chilly November evening.

It's not that the city simply missed an opportunity for development that the refurbished bridge offered, and it's not that it didn't even see the opportunity. Forget the lack of attractions on the Cincinnati side. It almost looks like the city went out of its way to make the area as unattractive and dangerous as possible.


at 11:56 PM, November 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're just now seeing this? Good grief, here's the real kicker; City Council still doesn't!

Cincinnati is SO full of possibilities, but little to no vision. It's all over the region, the possibilities...How I wish I had the finances to do something about it.

at 1:41 AM, November 18, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

true, so true
sad, so sad

what to do, what to do?

Wasn't there an I-Team report on this? Thousands of dollars spent on huge pots to hold flowers and plants.

Merely window dressing, on the window to the city from the other side of the curtain.

Draw the curtain, close the blinds - clearly, nobody cares who has the ability to do something

No wonder the people have givenup on the city ( and region) - everyone has
It's a nomad's land

what to do, what to do?

(I remember having a thought. Wouldn't it be cool to have a trolley type car rotating to that spot to the square)

at 11:21 AM, November 20, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The situation that took place at the Purple People Bridge should fall right on Mallorys desk. This man has been an abysmal failure since the day he arrived. He has done precious nothing to help this city except collect a fat paycheck and pass city contracts to his family members. He walks around town (when he’s around town) making idiotic speeches about how safe this city with his bodyguard in tow.
We want to clean up the crime in this city? Let the police loose to do what they need to do to clean it up. If that means unleashing on these animals then so be it. Oh never mind city council will insist we hire more cops then they’ll tie the cops hands and prosecute them if they do their job. Cant wait until my office moves to West Chester.

at 12:57 PM, November 21, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is in fact a very substantial development now getting underway at the Cincinnati end of the bridge, but yes that opportuity has been slow in being capitalized on

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