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Friday, November 17, 2006

Clean up the language

Bad language isn't permitted on this blog. That includes people who try to be clever with their screen names with the creative use of asterisks. Feel free to clean it up and re-submit.

It's not that we are prudes. We just think discussions of the day's issues are most productive when done with civility.


at 1:14 PM, November 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

point taken. the notion of a productive discussion is an interesting one.

my personal sense is that over the past twelve years, conservatives have intentionally destroyed the practice of public discourse.

why would i make such an outrageous statement you ask. the reason is simple.

we have seen nothing but failed logic and immoral unethical actions from the right whether it was trickle down economics (reagans plan to steal us blind - actually this is more than 12 years), rule of law (clintons personal behavior), phony mobs expressing outrage over counting ballots in florida, administrations being told that terrorism is their biggest problem and then having an attorney general spend thousands to cover up a statue and make the war on drugs a higher priority.

this list goes on and on. consider bronsons column, when was that last time he provided a reasoned editorial that didn't resort to 1st grade name calling of progressive ideas? or fox news which is neither fair or balanced.

the past six years has seen rove and his minions raise trash talk to an art form at the highest levels of government. one wants to believe that bush has a brain but either his handlers won't let him use it or his arguments can't stand up to reason.

so yes, lets clean up the language, but lets also clean up our act as a society. lets stop calling birth control demeaning to women, lets stop promoting superstitions like the earth is 6000 years old, lets stop lying about how we got into a meaningless deadly war in iraq. lets stop refusing to deal with the rest of the world because our personal beliefs are that the world will end any day when israel is destroyed by the infidels. lets get rid of the worlds worst ambassador to the united nations (john bolton), and lets stop shredding the consititution with an executive branch that wants to appoint itself emperor of the universe.

at 3:00 PM, November 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 1:14 PM, November 17, 2006 could not have written the Liberal viewpoint any better.

at 1:54 PM, November 20, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Censorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself."
---Potter Stewart

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