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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Defending Dad

I was raised to show the highest regard and respect for my elders and parents were on top of the list. So when Pat Dewine, out with a date, overheard rude remarks about his dad, Sen. Mike DeWine, he got upset and spoke up. Though no call to police ensued, it did make the papers. Was sticking up for dad such a big deal or do we expect politicians to forget their personal lives and relationships when they step into public office?

It must be said, the younger DeWine called and apologized to the 'insulter' who also in return apologized for his comments not intended to reach Pat's ears. In a rare moment, not necessarily to the likings of reporters, the restaurant owner also declined comments.

After probably one of the most negative campaign seasons this mid-term election, are you refreshed at the end result of civility on the part of the parties involved or are you so immune that you are disappointed that a little more mud wasn't thrown around? Now, let's be honest!


at 11:34 AM, November 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story is a joke. Pats feelings must be hurt cause I really doubt the other guy was saying what a faithful, honest, trustworthy guy Mike Dewine was to his party. I held my nose and voted for DeWine despite Mike selling out his party and every person that ever voted for him. He not only deserved to get beat he practically begged for it. Welcome to politics Pat. After the betrayal of the Republicans to their constituents Mike deserves to be unemployed

at 11:37 AM, November 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like a car accident, everyone hates for there to be one, but can't help but gawk at the show.
Same's true here - but I didn't need fist blows to get my thrill- I was (shamefully) glad to see a politician responding like a normal person ( not overboard like Finney) to the insults against someone's Dad.It' sa natural instinct, that when "controlled" should be expected.
Besides, I bet DeWine's got alot on his mind right now. (I'm surprised he has time to "entertain")Dad lost his race and his teammate, Heimlich, went down in flames.DeWine - if he pays attention to the Bengals Stadium fiasco - should understand that his seat onthe commissionis in big trouble. Afterall, Heimlich didn't pull this crap alone - DeWine had his back ( rather than the citizens) the whole time.
I can understand why DeWine is a little testy about now.

at 11:57 AM, November 15, 2006 Blogger Nathaniel Livingston Jr. said...

What a way to spin and distort what happened. According to reports, THERE WAS PHYSICAL CONTACT. The Doctor's glasses wound up knocked off his face!!! To spin this story as one with a happy and civil ending because Pat called his victim and apologized is incredible.

at 10:59 PM, November 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading other comments - I change my position, this isn't a joke this is a criminal assault and disturbing the public peace. dewine whould be arrested and sent to anger management classes like every black teenager who gets in a riff in a public place.

double standards

black and poor - go to jail.
white and sore - get a pass

build a bigger jail so everyone gets jail time including our upstanding elected officials

at 4:18 PM, November 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pat Dewine lost his temper and committed battery. Normally, people (of all races) would be ejected from the restaurant and the police would be called. and an arrest would be an option. It is sad that Cincinnati is such a corrupt place -- governed by an "Old Boy" network -- that allows special treatment for the sons and daughters of this secret society. At the very least, Pat Dewine committed a social faux pas and should have been kicked out. It is possible, given the facts that were reported, that he could have been arrested. What happened? Nothing. What's more, the Cincinnati Enquirer put a positive face on this bizarre act. Can you imagine if you were having a private conversation with someone and an eavesdropping madman accosted you? Pat Dewine needs to grow up -- politics is rough and he is obviously too immature to accept that.

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