Apathy reigns at North Pointe
"How's the turnout?" I asked at North Pointe Elementary School near Hebron when I voted just before 5 p.m. today.
"Very light," was the reply from the poll worker, which was somewhat obvious since I was the only voter present at that moment.
I thought to myself that part of it was that Democrats tend to be lonely people in Boone County, and the Clinton-Obama race was getting all the attention. That wasn't very relevant in a Republican primary.
Still, the Republicans who didn't vote were missing an interesting, close race for the State Senate between Charlie Walton and John Schickel. There is no Democrat running. This is game, set, match. And I guarantee you that Charlie Walton or John Schickel will affect lives in Boone County more on a daily basis than the next president. Or maybe the eligible voters don't care about schools, roads, economic development, casino gambling, toll bridges or taxes.
If you were a registered Republican, you had to be aggressively apathetic to ignore the race -- unless you depend on broadcast television for all your information. The Enquirer and Community Recorder both covered it. Candidate forums were throughout the district and aired on cable channels. Signs were up all over. Automated phone calls were ringing throughout the district. Mailboxes were flooded with direct mail, particularly from Charlie Walton, a school principal who had a lot of overt support from fellow education professionals.
So ends my annual "we take voting so much for granted/we deserve what we get" rant.
People don't bother voting because it doesn't matter who is in office--nothing changes. Ever.
The corruption, cronyism and elitism is so ingrained in every level of government and beauracracy that the people in office are merely interchangable talking heads.
The layer at the top: the corporate-government--media layer merely exists to extract funds from those of us in the bottom layer, for their pet aggrandizement and wasteful use.
Until we blow up the system completely, nothing changes. NOTHING.
I know how the French felt in the 1700s, just prior to the revolt.
So, no, voting doesn't matter.
And if you think it does, you are a fool.
I use to disagree with your thoughts. However, today there is no difference between power-hungry Repugs and Dems. Their socialists policies are one in the same and ineptness of massive government services is obvious.
i agree of what you said. it doesn't matter who is in office. there will be no changes.
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What can the USA do about gas prices now and in the future? If congress voted today to open Alaska, Calif. shoreline, and Gulf of Mexico to known reserve drilling of oil, the "expectation game" alone by the speculators helping to drive the price of crude up would start droppping in price.
But do we have one Repug or Dem(Progressive?) willing to advance legislation to proceed with the only measure under our control? No. Instead congress forces Pres Bush to beg Saudi Arabia to pump more oil and they tell us to "get lost"
Our Leadership is weak and is controlled by environmentalist and other lobbiest orgs.
So voting does little to change the bad policies and corruption in Congress. Harry Reid and Polossi has been a big change....Not. Neither will be the liberals H. Clinton, McCain, or Obama.
Lower gas prices by opening oil drilling in known reserves that the USA controls. Where is a single leader willing to buck the establishment?
We can continue to develop EV and Hydrogen Cell cars.
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