
Today at the Forum
Opinions from members of the Enquirer Editorial Board

David Wells,
Editorial Page Editor

Ray Cooklis,
Assistant Editorial Editor

Krista Ramsey,
Editorial Writer

Dennis Hetzel, General Manager,
Kentucky Enquirer/NKY.Com

Jim Borgman,
Editorial Cartoonist

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Changes are coming

Changes coming to this blog: Starting later this week, it will be published in a new blog tool on a brand-new Cincinnati.Com website.

It still will include the thoughts and opinions of individual members of the Editorial Board rather than the institutional position of the Enquirer. But we also will have some new features. We want to share a lot more of the reasoning (and arguing) that goes into formulation of the editorials. We will link you up to other interesting opinions and we will offer Q&A sessions with people in the news. You also will get an insider’s view of our editorial board interviews and a chance to talk to us about who and what we should be talking about.

We will still link back to discussions we’ve had on this forum and links to this blog will take you to the new one. Once we start posting to the new blog, you’ll be able to get in and get a sneak peek at the new website before anyone else.

There will be some administrative changes: You will have to register (it’s free.) You will have a unique registration name under which you can post comments and become regular contributors to our discussions.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Say it here or email me directly at dwells@enquirer.com.


at 7:51 PM, May 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will you continue to block comments you do not agree with by filtering specific static IP addresses?

at 9:09 AM, May 20, 2008 Blogger David Wells said...

Anon 7:51
We don't block comments from people who disagree with us now, as a read of the comments on past posts will show. If you violate the language restrictions and other terms of service or veer completely off point, you get zapped. Otherwise, feel free to argue. The new system will likewise be open to all who want to engage in civil discourse.

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