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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Contraception bill in state House

Ohio state Rep. Dan Stewart, D-Columbus, has re-introduced a bill to guarantee that sexual assault survivors are offered emergency contraception in hospital emergency rooms. The abortion rights group NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio praised the bill Thursday. Here's what NARAL said about the Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies (CARE) Act in a press release:

  • “This commonsense legislation affirms that members of the Ohio House hear voters’ call for policies that empower women and protect their privacy, instead of the divisive attacks that defined previous Congresses,” (NARAL Executive Director Kellie) Copeland said. “State Representative Dan Stewart and his colleagues who have co-sponsored this legislation have once again demonstrated their steadfast leadership by authoring this thoughtful legislation.”

    The CARE Act would ensure that survivors of sexual assault are offered emergency contraception (EC) in the emergency room. Each year, approximately 25,000 women in the United States become pregnant as a result of rape. Many of these pregnancies could be prevented if sexual assault victims had timely access to EC. Polls show that nearly 80 percent of American women want hospitals – religious-affiliated or not – to offer EC to rape survivors.

    Emergency contraception is a concentrated dose of ordinary birth-control pills that can dramatically reduce a woman’s chance of becoming pregnant if taken soon after sex. EC does not cause abortion; rather it is a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy and was recently approved for over-the-counter sales for adults.

    NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Foundation conducted two surveys to examine the availability of EC in hospital emergency rooms across the state. The first survey in 2004 showed that nearly 60% of all Ohio hospitals did not guarantee access to EC for sexual assault survivors, almost 25% said they never give it out. In 2007 the picture had improved slightly with nearly 20% of hospitals who responded to the survey not guaranteeing access for sexual assault survivors (only half of Ohio hospitals participated in the second survey). Unfortunately these studies also showed that there is a lack of knowledge about this medication among emergency room staff, with both reports finding instances of ER staff confusing EC with the abortion inducing medication Mifepristone (or RU-486). Our research confirms that legislation is necessary to protect access to critical reproductive health care for sexual assault survivors in our state. You can view these studies at http://www.prochoiceohio.org/.

So what do you think about Rep. Stewart's bill? Do you think it will get anywhere in the current General Assembly? Do you think it should?


at 9:44 AM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely approve.

In our current society where we are polarized on the subject of abortion(big political football, whereas most people are middle of the road), there could be some appeasement to people who fear sexual profligacy, or link contraception to abortion, by requiring that a record of a call to police or the actual police report, if issued quickly enough, to insure access to the EC. I mean if it's rape, it's a crime, and a woman shouldn't be ambiguous about calling it such.

That's my Soloomon-like "split the baby" opinion. Personally, I think everything should be legal all the time, especially abortion since it is a medical procedure first and foremost. However, our society should create an atmosphere of social condemnation and control of the young who engage in casual sexual encounters which result in reliance on this procedure as birth control or selfish choice. Personally, I couldn't even imagine having an abortion, a very self-destructive act - destroying a part of yourself and your own life. But then, I've seldom put (or have been put...) myself in social circumstances where I would be allied with irresponsible men.

So, I can see the whole spectrum, and laws will never solve the basic social issue. Therefore the pols LOVE it. It could go on for eternity. Make it all legal, and nearly all socially unacceptable except for proscribed situations.

Big task, but if the French can do it, surely we can. They don't have abortion on demand, and yet they have a social working network which surrounds, counsels, imparts a sense of failure to those who draw such undignified attention to themselves, etc. etc. even while offering Ru486 and implying that sympathy won't be as forthcoming if there's a next time.

at 12:21 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It currently isn't known how emergency contraception, or Plan B, even works. It isn't entirely clear how long it takes for fertilization to occur post copulation. Does Plan B block fertilization? Does it block implantation of the zygote? No one actually knows, and it would be difficult to test these ideas. However, what is known is that it prevents pregnancy. Therefore, using emergency contraception is not the same thing as having an abortion. If you support this bill you do not support abortion. However, support for this bill would help prevent unwanted pregnancies and further enhance a woman's ability to protect her self from the consequences of sexual assault. I wholly support such legislation!

at 1:00 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rape survivors needs as much support as possible from society. Having been violently rendered powerless, they need empowered to make their own choices. The more choices on the table, the more the survivors can be in command of the outcome of the attack.

I am appalled to read that Polls show that "nearly 80 percent of American women want hospitals...to offer EC to rape survivors" and yet one in four hospitals will not offer this option.

It is not a moral issue, it's a health and mental health issue. Allow autonomous decisions and respect the intelligence of women. This shouldn't even be an issue.

at 1:27 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sexual assult is a serious crime and should be punished more then it is. If we did that then maybe we would see a reduction of this crime.

The bill should not be passed. Abortion is a terrible thing in this country. People don't understand that if a woman is inpregnated that there are essentially two victoms, the woman and her child in the womb.

A child is a blessing, not a right and not a choice. A child should not pay for his life based on others decisions. If you say I'm wrong then I guess you would agree with it's ok for a druken driver to slam into a school bus and kill all those Caroleton kids. Or a woman can just shot there children because it's her choice, right?

We procecute woman who give birth and leave the babies for dead when the day before they could have had an abortion with no courts lurking.

You may say a woman shouldn't have to live bring a child into the world because of this. So she can forget this event right? One, I don't they will ever forget, two it will cause much more pain to know on top of it you had to destroy a life. Our society is delusional to think this. Pro-choice do not want you to realize that it's a human life, just a choice.

Give the baby up for adoption if anything. Though how many woman do you know that hate babies? I think the baby would bring joy to an evil that had taken place.

at 3:12 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! What an unsympathetic comment to all rape victims. As a rape victim, I am fortunate for many things. First and foremost, my attacker was sent to prison. Secondly, I did not become pregnant. While I don't think in a normal situation that I could have an abortion, there is no way I could go through a pregnancy at 18 years old after being raped by a homeless man. You will never know what you would do in this situation. You or anyone else, should not be allowed to tell me or other victims how we should react.

This bill allows an option for women, it does not mandate that they have to use this pill. If the rape victim chooses to keep the life then that's her choice, but she should be able to have the choice and not forced to live through the results of another person's action.

If I had become pregnant, my choice to have an abortion or take the preventative medicine would have nothing to do with the "So she can forget this event". A baby should be brought into this world through love. It's a personal choice. A baby is a choice. I would not have chosen to become pregnant. It would have been forced upon me just as my attacker forced himself on me. Let's think of the women first in these situations. They are the first victims.

at 3:32 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the "A child is a blessing, not a right and not a choice" comment:

So if a child is a blessing from God, why did God use RAPE as the means to create the child? The woman who was raped has been punished enough. Forcing her to carry the baby is only further punishment. Calling her rape and subsequent pregnancy a "blessing" is outrageous, and you are the one who should be ashamed of yourself, not those of us who support legislation such as this to actually help the woman.

Bottom line: Let HER decide when to have children, not your religion.

at 8:40 PM, May 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the poster who wrote that babies are a blessing: Maybe we should consider rape a blessing if the woman gets pregnant.

at 9:18 AM, May 19, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Give the baby up for adoption if anything." Really?? Is this your answer? Giving up a baby that is the result of a rape is just as much a lifetime of pain as giving up a baby procreated by choice. Until you, yourself go through the pain of giving up all rights to your flesh and blood, don't pretend that this would be the least hurtful answer to a woman who has already had her life as she knew it taken from her. You being a pro-lifer, I'm sure you would insist that creating a baby should be a choice, not an accident. But a woman has no choice when it is forced upon her?? You and your righteous morals are more concerned with the rights of a so-called unborn baby than you are with the rights of a victim of the most violent and personal crime of all. Until it happens to you, quit trying to decide what would be best for the living victim.

at 9:14 AM, May 20, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank god we have some sensible people representing us. its time to run the knuckle draggers and their silly superstitions out of town on a rail.

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