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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Berding on the Rollback

Q. Do you think the voters are “entitled” to a rollback, no matter how small it is? Or should the city keep the money, which totaled up might actually be spent on a public purpose that benefits everybody? Would it matter if the rollback amounted to $50 per property owner? $100?

A. I have always been a strong supporter of the rollback. I do not believe that Council has the right to ask for more tax dollars until we have our own house in order. I am committed to making government as efficient as possible before raising taxes.

I began the City Hall Works initiative (a private sector led review of City service delivery) for this very purpose, to ensure that citizens’ tax dollars are being spent efficiently and effectively, for the services they value. We have made much progress over the last two years, but there is still more that can be done.


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