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Saturday, October 20, 2007


You hear all the descriptions on what an Independent candidate is for City Council and the confusion continues even now. My buddy Justin is endorsed by the Green Party but the media calls him an"Independent". Michael Earl, my newest friend, is endorsed by the Libertarian Party but the media also calls him an "Independent". The rest of the Independents ( and this is MY category ) are really Independents but the media calls us "unendorsed" candidates. (ARE YOU STILL WITH ME ON THIS?) Unendorsed, what does that mean? Not wanted, maybe not good enough, didn't cut the mustard on the endorsement tryouts, or maybe not from the "right" family. So what does unendorsed mean? I do know that in MY situation I never went to any endorsement interview. I never lobbied a Party or used influence (the little,very little that I have) to get an endorsement. I just chose to run independently. The others "Independents" I can't speak for.

As a true Independent you start off with no cash, no organization, and no help. Independant candidates in the past have done poorly. And the other "endorsed" candidates do not take us seriously. The media favors the "big" names. The media favors the political party. Just check out the print media stories and their content. The Independents are insignificant. Pavelish is insignificant.

But the Independents will continue to try to get a story or two in before the election. And Pavelish will try to get a story or two in also. (somehow)

I must close now and tend to babysitting my granddaughter (on a Saturday night)

Steve Pavelish for Cincinnati City Council



at 9:01 PM, October 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand and appreciate you running as an independant. How can anyone be proud to call any of these political parties family. Disapointment after disapointment from all the parties. I think it's wonderful that someone is ready to take the chance to stand out on their own. I haven't found it easy to vote Republican or Democrat in a very long time. They all make me sick.

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