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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

John Eby on Litter

Dorothy Weil, East Walnut Hills asked:

Do you plan to engage the voters in the process of clearing litter? This involves appealing to their pride, not just doing for them.

My Response:

Dorothy thanks for volunteering to help me pick up my yard signs after the election. Your help is certainly appreciated. Do you have access to a truck? I'll bring the coffee and doughnuts.

One way to engage people to help clean up litter is through a fine, non-profit organization called Keep Cincinnati Beautiful. This organization has been encouraging city residents to help keep our neighborhoods clean since 1978. I hope that you participated in this years "Great American Clean Up" Event. Volunteers worked in all 52 neighborhoods. Sweat equity in cleaning up our communities was the order of the day all over Cincinnati. I volunteered to help refurbish a playground in Mount Washington, hauled away old tires in Price Hill, and helped build a new shelter house in Westwood at Ryan Park.



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