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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hungry senior citizens an outrage

Looking for something to get angry about? Here we are, in the most affluent and successful nation in history, and there are 340 senior citizens in Northern Kentucky on a waiting list just to be assessed for Meals on Wheels service. The reason is primarily due to cutbacks in government funding, according to Senior Services of Northern Kentucky.

This is how we're treating needy members of what we call The Greatest Generation.

According to reporter Kari Wethington's story in today's Enquirer, Senior Services has endured $220,233 in cuts from government sources for the fiscal years 2007 and 2008. These cuts occur at a time when the elderly population is growing -- a trend that only will accelerate in coming years. Just in Northern Kentucky, the plus-60 population is expected to go from 57,000 to 120,000 over the next 16 years.

You can help out by sending Senior Services a donation. Go to www.seniorservicesnky.org or mail a check to 1032 Madison Ave., Covington KY, 41011.

When you're done doing that, you might ask our elected officials how they let this happen. Where are our priorities?


at 8:05 PM, October 10, 2007 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

How did this happen? It's simply a smart allocation of resources. There's a lot more profit to be made from wars than there is from Meals On Wheels". If our senior citizens want three squares a day on the government dime, let 'em join the Army. There is no room for namby-pamby "decency" in war profiteering. It doesn't serve our national interests.

at 9:01 PM, October 10, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the surprise? This neck of the woods is run by conservatives. Conservatives never met a social program they couldn't cut. Lower taxes always trump human lives when conservatives run government. Want more of the same? Keep voting Republican. End of story.

at 3:44 AM, October 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

you work for a conservative rag and you have to ask where are our priorities?

i'll give you a hint.

tax cuts for the super-rich.

war for oil, so that exxon, shell, and bp can make even more money

at 6:45 AM, October 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If someone gives me the name of an elderly person, I will give them money or food, directly as I am able. I will not go on record as donating to an organization where public funding has been cut. This is a violation of my political philosophy, and I don't want statistics to reflect that anything like private contribution or "faith based" support is taking the place of what I believe is our federal government's responsibility in the way of social safety nets.

Sorry....tough love.

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