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Thursday, October 11, 2007

John Eby on The Big Picture

Anonymous asked:

A general question about the human condition: Why do we tend to think linearly about issues? One day we think about jobs, the next day we think about too many cars and emission controls, the next day about which schools to close. Why can't we manage them as a big picture. I think it's TV - we think in daily news flare-ups rather than absorbing in depth reporting with follow-ups. If it bleeds, it leads.

My Response:

Anon,” why DO we tend to think linearly about issues?" The answer is that in a two year election cycle members of council have one year to make an impact or risk being perceived as ineffective. They have to concentrate all of their energy into making headway (and headlines) on the hot issue of the moment. Does that sound like anyway to run our government and plan for our future? As my good friend Greg Harris has pointed out, there hasn't been a strategic plan in the city of Cincinnati since Truman was in office. How can we budget our resources and marshal our energy if we have no idea where they are needed the most?

I’m a true believer in organizational efficiency and strategic planning. ”PLAN YOUR WORK. WORK YOUR PLAN." The mission statement of Project for Public Spaces (a non -profit organization) contains key components of how to unlock Cincinnati’s potential. We must be “dedicated to creating and sustaining public spaces that build communities.” Business development, quality education, clean safe streets will sustain our public spaces, build our economic base and create a Greater Cincinnati.

Visit www.commonsensecincinnati.com for the Harris-Eby Bipartisan plan for Cincinnati and please visit my website www.johneby.com for more information about me.



at 8:54 PM, October 11, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We've seen Cincinnati planning enough. Look at the Banks. Cincinnati government and City Council needs to shut up about all these "great" plans and let the real "leaders" fix the problem. (the private sector investors). You will find them across the river building something...

at 7:26 AM, October 12, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for acknowledging my comment/musing. I will certainly take a look at your plans.

Perhaps the Council members' part time status can be a psychological support for just persisting at the big picture, since, presumably, unlike our federal elected officials, you aren't bucking to keep your ONLY job every time an election cycle comes up. I don't know. Good luck.

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