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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Eby on Safety and Security

--Vanessa Marino, Oakley, Saturday, October 20, 2007 - 3:36:00 P

Everyone talks about more police on the streets in order to make city neighborhoods safer. However, what would you ask these peace officers to do differently in order to be more effective? Do you think current policing techniques are adequate? Is it truly a matter of numbers?

My Response:

Safety and Security for all Cincinnatians is the over-riding issue affecting Cincinnati. To improve economic development and retain our citizen base, we must guarantee every citizen the right to live free from fear. A safe Cincinnati is key to attracting better jobs for our citizens, improving schools for our children, and creating better housing options for all. To achieve Safety and Security for our citizens we must combine a comprehensive vision with a strategic plan that results in real accountability to reduce crime.

It is my belief that for any public safety plan to be effective:

  • It must generate collaboration between City government, the Police, and the Citizens of Cincinnati.
  • It must be proactive rather than reactive
  • It must take into account officer safety
  • It must have measurable/reasonable goals
  • It must take advantage of cutting-edge technology such as data mining and predictive behavior.
  • It must be based on just enforcement, and accountability.
We must hold our elected leaders, our police, and ourselves accountable for creating a safer Cincinnati. I will continue to work tirelessly to develop clean, safe streets for all Cincinnatians. Please visit my website www.johneby.com and view my comprehensive plan for safety and security.



at 8:55 PM, October 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are YOU going to do to make this happen? You stated the things that should be done. If elected how would you see these things happening?

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