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Sunday, October 21, 2007

About Streetcars - Joan Kaup

I spent Memorial Day weekend in Portland, Oregon, where I learned first-hand how that city has benefited from electric street cars. The trip opened my eyes to how a streetcar system is great community connectors and catalyst for economic development. Streetcars are the natural connector to move people from home or work to their office, a park or entertainment. They are easy and enjoyable to use and connect people to people as well as people to places.

The first phase of a streetcar project, just a few miles through the city center, will make a huge difference and demonstrate the impact. It is projected that our first phase will return $14 for every $1 invested.

A streetcar system is safe, manageable and easy to install. Tracks and infrastructure the length of a city block can be installed in a few weeks, causing only minimal disturbance to current business and pedestrian activity.

When looking at building the net worth of Cincinnati, streetcars are an essential component of the solution. They attract economic development because their tracks are installed in the streets. Streetcar service will not be rerouted or discontinued like a bus service might. Property along a streetcar route is prime real estate for developing businesses, parks, and homes.

The more people who live in the city, the more property taxes contributed to our coffers. The more money that people spend in the city, the more sales taxes generated for our city budget. The more money our city has to spend, the more services we can provide to all residents — in all neighborhoods.

Support a council that will seize an opportunity for low-risk, proven and responsible investment in making Cincinnati more self-sustainable.

Joan Kaup
Thinking Differently


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