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Friday, March 23, 2007

Seeking "compromise" on the truth

So what exactly are we supposed to think when the President says that members of his staff will talk about the firings of federal prosecutors as long as they don’t have to swear to tell the truth and nobody makes a record of what they say?

Gee, that will sure put all doubts to rest.

For those not completely fluent in Washingtonspeak, people involved in hot controversies always want to avoid testifying under oath. They regard swearing to tell the truth as a perjury trap, where a little shading here, a little memory lapse there can come back to bite you with a criminal charge. Just ask Scooter Libby.

This reluctance to swear to tell the truth only sounds strange to the innocent ears of every day citizens. You have to realize that for many of the habitués of the halls of power, obfuscation is the non-partisan standard of communication. That’s why people like Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa.., can keep a straight face while floating a “compromise” proposal in which White House aides would be questioned publicly by select lawmakers, but wouldn’t be put under oath. And Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Judiciary Committee, who makes a big deal about wanting to ask the questions, can seem willing to go along with such a proposal.

Explain to us simple folk out here in the boonies senators; how do you strike a “compromise” on telling the truth?


at 3:55 PM, March 23, 2007 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

David, are you saying that there should be no fudging of the truth? That something is either true or it isn't? Because if you are, I agree. The truth is paramount in every aspect of society, from your kids,your spouse, your stockbroker, and your government.
Beltway pols fudge, and that's the truth, and it's hardly news.
Knowing that,doesn't it bother you that a more critical stance on the part of the media during the last seven years could have mitigated the damage caused by seven years of lies and distortions?
If the media had done some fact checking and real investigation on things our government has done and said, instead as being stenographers for the spin machine, maybe this whole discussion would be moot.

at 4:21 PM, March 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, grow up and stop acting so naive. There is little truth in politics and from politicians.

at 9:39 AM, March 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I am unfit for public office, because I can’t remember what I did a couple of days ago, much less an administrative-type matter I spent a little time on months ago. If someone asked me if I did or said thus and such then, I’d say "no," and if it turned out that I had done or said whatever it was, or I remembered differently later, I would be condemned as a liar. Who needs that?

at 1:04 PM, March 24, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

DAVID, The liberlism road the enquirer has taken,is showing up in the EDITORIAL page,and readership is at stake. Now I did not state this under oath. And the president any president cannot allow the legislative body of the USA the power of supeona under OATH , as to his advisors. Because then he will lose cofidentialy of advise he can rely on. Or else lets get the SENATORS to be questioned by the executive branch the same way?????

at 12:10 AM, March 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly, this has nothing to do with "executive privilege." The most secretive administration this side of Moscow once again wants the right to lie. Typical.

at 10:37 AM, March 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is shocking. The Enquirer and truth. Seems to me the crying Enquirer in the matter of Amy Baker's kids is crying "foul" but it is our 1st amendment rights claims the Enquirer.
But, in the Liz Carroll case, a respected Daugherty printed an article on juror Weinstein, the self proclaimed, OJ watcher, Court TV watch, it will be "glorious" to serve on a jury trial person.....and when she said to TV people she was misquoted....... I alledge it took the Enquirer lawyers time to get the message that the quote was missing one word, to get out of possible civil litigation and should produce the tape recording, as Daugherty records his interviews. And we the public should trust the Enquirer , avoiding litigation, to tell us that it was indeed a misquote from an award winner sports journalist who has never had a complaint from any other interviews done in the past.
Give me a break.....Apology for using first amendment for printing jurors names and then complain about your 1st amendment rights being violated..LOL...LMAO....
Has people refused to do interviews with Daugherty because of being afraid of being misquoted?
Give up the tape, gentlemen so we can hear clearly the words of Weinstein in first person and see if she was indeed biased prior to trial and her jury duty.
That's the only way the Enquirer and Daugherty will ever get respect back...Especially here in Clermont County.

at 10:47 AM, March 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just what I thought, the Enquirer afraid to print the truth....LOL
Tell Callinan I got his ticket for China ready and in my hand. Apology for using First Amendment Rights......and they cry about the Enquirer's rights are being violated....LOL

at 10:10 AM, April 04, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last I heard, nobody, not even the democrats are saying that any crime was committed regarding the firings. And Clinton did the exact same thing but the difference at that time was that nobody felt compelled to use any excuse no matter how dumb to bring Clintons advisors in front of Congress under oath. You would think Congress would have better things to do, like say, providing the troops the funding they need in order to win this war. Anyways, you're absolutely right about the perjury trap. Scooter Libby was convicted of a memory lapse on an investigation into a crime that NEVER HAPPENED.

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