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Thursday, March 22, 2007

And our latest good parenting award goes to...

Quentin E. Wallace Jr., the second local dad in a week to be accused by police of drinking, driving and baby-sitting all at the same time.

Wallace was pulled over just before midnight Tuesday for doing 75 in a 55 mph zone on northbound Interstate 75.

His unrestrained 2-year-old son was in the car with him, police said. He was charged with speeding, driving while intoxicated, driving with a suspended license, not having the child in a safety seat and child endangering.

The case sounds a lot like the one we noted last week (see March 16 post below), involving Scott Frickman of Mount Washington and his 2-year-old.

Smarten up dads. Let’s not make this a trend crime.


at 11:08 PM, March 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again -I have asked legislators to sponsor a program that will help alleviate crimes associated with alcoholism; DUI, domestic violence, assault.

Currently, anyone convicted is generally required to reframe from drinking or even being in an establishment that serves alcohol while on probation/parole.

But all the court orders in the world are worth nothing but the paper they are written on without enforcement.

So, the proposal is:
Under Ohio's existing drams shop laws which forbid alcohol sales to a known "drunkard" and then requiring that anyone convicted of an offense that involves alcohol receive a vertical license or state id, like used for underage drivers (as opposed to a horizontal one)- then, establishments serving /selling alcohol can easily assess the person's legal status to buy a drink (or even be in the place). And hopefully, for no additional tax payer money and very little time invested by the bartender / store clerk - we can significantly reduce the impact of alcohol abuse on our children, battered wives and criminal justice systems.

Yes, I know; it's not a cure all. Here in Cincinnati, there's only a river between a drunk and a drink. And too often there will be people willing to risk jail time to buy a buddy a six pack.

But, for goodness sake - isn't it worth the effort to take a stand here

Afterall, it isn't really the driving, it's the drinking that is the problem.

Call your legislators and ask them to support this initiative and let's save a life, protect a kid and free up some jail space.

at 12:06 AM, March 25, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's long past time to enact laws requiring parent licensing before people are allowed to breed. The goofy notion that any idiot has the right to be a parent needs to go.

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