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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Put up your Dukes

The Dukes of Hazard/Cincinnati Pops non-story pulled in more than 200 online reader comments by 5 p.m. Tuesday. What's the matter with you people?

Key point #1: The John Schneider/Tom Wopat Dukes revival never was actually scheduled by the Pops, so therefore it was not actually cancelled. According to the Pops, it was under consideration for the schedule in July, but then discarded because of concerns that the production might offend people because it features the Confederate flag.

Key point #2: This 1979-1985 TV comedy was to artistic social commentary what Gomer Pyle was to the United States Marine Corps.

It was about a bunch of good ol' boys runnin moonshine in a holler where the girls wore skimpy shorts, the cops were stupid, the politicians were corrupt and the bad guys chased the good guys around dirt roads in fast cars to the sound of Waylon Jennings. Yee Hah!

Were the folks at the Pops a little too PC in checking with the NAACP before deciding to book the show? Maybe, but in this day and age better to be cautious than picketed for insensitivity.

Were the Duke boys, Cooter and their fans over the top for creating a storm of protest over the Pops deciding not to book the show? You betcha.


at 4:28 PM, March 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

my hat off to you david. you found a good way to take peoples attention away from the unraveling of the corrupt bush administration.

for the record, this progressive watch the dukes and in its day it was harmless fun. given the rise of christo-fascism from the deep south and its influence on who's running the country, things have changed.

are you finally regretting who you voted for? had enough? vote democratic.

at 6:27 PM, March 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

No David, what's the matter with YOU people?! When we start checking every freaking breath to make sure that someone isn't sensitive to it, we may as well flush our culture down the toilet.
Frankly, I've just had it with this notion of spineless, pathetic, quivering pandering.

at 6:41 PM, March 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, at least you are consistent and predictable with your liberal hypocrisy.

You argue in favor of avoiding potential protests by catering to the PC and NAACP crowd, with whom you are aligned, and who seldom attend the Pop's events. The result of which is a de facto support of their threatened protest.

And condemn those who you disagree with, who do actually protest, and who do attend the Pops.

Liberal hypocrisy thru and thru.

at 9:11 AM, March 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"David, at least you are consistent and predictable with your liberal hypocrisy."

The Enquirer's editorial page, liberal? That is HILARIOUS.

How's this for "predictable": The Enquirer endorses the Republican presidential candidate in the fall of 2008. Anyone wanna bet against that?

at 10:03 AM, March 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 9:11 AM, perhaps you would be better informed if you read the Enquirer editorials? What was remaining conservative on their editorial board left, when Peter Bronson no longer "fit in" amongst the liberal dominance thinking.

The Republicans Party probably will not nominate a conservative to run in 2008. So you are correct that the Enquirer will endorse a liberal, republican or democrat (e.g. McCain).

Newt Gingrich is the only conservative National Player but he is as yet not in play.

at 10:48 PM, March 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I guess to those of you to the right of Attila the Hun, the Enquirer must look liberal.

Ah, the Newtster. Now there's a fine representative of conservative values, the guy who served his first wife divorce papers while she was in her hospital bed with cancer. At least we could count on him to continue the Bush tradition of lies and corruption.

at 7:22 AM, March 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

rick, if you find the editorial board of the enquirer to be liberal than you need to reconsider how far right you have gone.

there is nothing remotely liberal or progressive about the editorial board. perhaps you confuse reasoned thought with progressive politics as they have a lot in common.

want to see reason restored to our democracy? had enough? vote democratic!

at 12:14 PM, March 22, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liberals or Progressives, call them what they want. Just the same ilk of "self proclaimed intellectual elitest" hiding their socialistic and communist views behind a label.

at 7:50 AM, March 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, I've noticed liberals are running from the "LIBERAL" label and want to call themselves "PROGRESSIVES".

They can run but they can't hide.

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