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Monday, March 19, 2007

Wall-to-wall Wal-Mart

Indygrad, a frequent commenter on this blog, suggests in one of the posts below that I should be blogging on Wal-Mart's plan to take over the world of banking and finance.

Not content with sucking in every retail dollar in sight, the giant discount chain now wants to hold on to our checking and savings accounts as well, he said.

Last week stories hit the news about a Wal-Mart employee's e-mail that talked about the possibility of the company starting its own bank heated up this idea, which has been talked about for several years. It would be a big deal. We aren't talking about just having some established bank's branches in Wal-Marts, the way lots supermarkets and other big retailers, including some Wal-Marts, do now. We are talking about Wal-Mart actually being the bank.

Existing banks, noting what has happened to lots of other smaller retailers when a Wal-Mart opens nearby, didn't like the idea much and some members of Congress started talking about legislation to block such a move.

On Friday, however, Wal-Mart decided to skip the controversy and announced it was withdrawing its application for a federal bank charter.

Members of Congress, including Paul Gillmor, R-Ohio, are still talking over legislation that would limit nonfinancial entities from becoming banks. Some companies already have such approval, including Target and General Motors. Others, including Home Depot, have expressed the same interest that Wal-Mart was showing. And not everybody is convinced Wal-Mart won't try this again.

It'll be an interesting debate. Just how big a piece of our economic life does one company need to have?


at 5:59 PM, March 19, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey David

Who chooses which Letters to the Editor to publish?

that 2 in one day would be so breathlessly disingenuous and one sided I might add.

Carlton Wiles and Charles Meyer are either being disengenuous or they are ill informed because they uncritically accept the hining "Clinton did it too" mantra of all righty pundits and spinmeisters.

The fact is that virtually EVERY President changes the US Attorneys WHEN TAKING OFFICE, especially when the presidency changes parties. Bush also did the same thing when he took office. That is different. This has never happened before. THIS scandal is about Bush using the federal prosecutors to only go after Democrats, and to ignore crimes by Republicans.

And here's the thing. The ones that were fired were let go because they weren't "loyal bushies." So the question is, what about the ones who were not fired?

Think Duke Cunningham and Dusty Foggo don't matter? Don't know anything about them? Chalk it up as a failure of Fox News Information Syndrome and not to be outdone the Cincinnati Enquirer.

at 6:48 PM, March 19, 2007 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

If entities like WalMart are allowed to operate banks, I'm all for it, but would feel much more confident trusting my money to the bean-counters at "StarBUCKS".

at 11:45 AM, March 20, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

at 5:59 PM, March 19, 2007 Anonymous said...

Who chooses which Letters to the Editor to publish?

couldn't agree with you more. it was right out of the neoclown playbook. blame it on clinton, blame it on clinton.

the current issue is about criminal malfeasance that reaches right into the oval office.

enquirer readers deserve a more honest set of letters.

at 11:01 PM, March 21, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely a dilemma for Republican would-be regulators: "Do we side with Big Biz (GM) or Big Biz (Wal-Mart)?" Must be a tough choice for them. Whatever happened to "conservative" values like competition? Or is that just another "family value" that can easily be jettisoned by the party of hypocrites and scoundrels?

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