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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Ohio smokers, pity transfat-free New York

Ohio smokers may feel put upon by the new smoking ban, but New Yorkers really have something to crow over.

The Big Apple has become the first American city to ban transfats in restaurants, effective July 1, right about the time I usually visit New York.

Transfats make your fries crisp and delicious and your pastries and pie crusts light and fluffy, among other things. My grandmother swore by Crisco, a transfat, when she made pies.

Problem is, they also can kill you more quickly that other, less artery-clogging fats.

Bakers will have a year to figure how to find a fat replacement in pastries and such.

Block for block, New York has some of the best restaurants in the world, but how will they fare if they can't add transfats?

The ruling by the city's board of health is a victory for the health of New Yorkers, but by banning an FDA approved substance is opening the city up to future litigation.

Meanwhile, Ohio smokers, you now have New York to pity.

And, oh, by the way. They won't let you smoke in restaurants and bars in New York, either.


at 6:43 PM, December 05, 2006 Blogger Nicci King said...

Does that mean no more Gray's Papaya dogs and fries?! Gray's Papaya hotdog + sauerkraut + stadium mustard = ambrosia

at 10:09 PM, December 06, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, it just means they'll need to fry the fries in something else if they've been using something with transfats. Peanut oil is good. Lard is even better. :-)

at 2:08 PM, December 07, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

MMMMM, lard.

at 6:42 PM, December 07, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

And no one sees the big issue here? The government controlling our habits, whether it be smoking or eating. This isn't something our government should be doing. This should frighten everyone.

at 2:22 PM, December 08, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to recall the 'science' behind this scare has been under suspicion for years, but no one has taken much interest in verifying the data.
I believe I have the ability and right to make my own decisions about what I eat and what I decide is bad for me.
I further believe we do not need more 'Nanny Government'.

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