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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Another year for Nancy Zimpher

UC's board extended President Nancy Zimpher's contract for an extra year on Tuesday, which we hope keeps her happy enough to ignore possible opportunities elsewhere. Mark Dantonio left the head football coaching job at UC to jump to the Big 10 at Michigan State. People at the Clifton campus couldn't help but notice a Big 10 presidency is about to open at Ohio State.

Zimpher has made changes at UC that go far beyond bouncing Bob Huggins. She is pushing the school to see itself, and to be seen by others, as something other than a commuter school with a couple of good programs and a basketball team.

Her UC/21 program established the goals for a 21st-century university. The focus is now on students -- attracting better ones and providing them with top-level programs in all disciplines through innovative partnerships in the business community and research opportunities on campus.

“With every day, our degrees are becoming more valuable,” student trustee Nick Furtwengler said at Tuesday's meeting of the board. That's the highest recognition a university can achieve and one that certainly deserved the recognition of the contract extension.


at 2:19 PM, November 29, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

if there ever was list of "wanna-be" institutions UC would have to be very high on it.

at 2:23 PM, November 29, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

if ever there were a "wanna-be" university, UC would have to be near the top of the list.

at 3:12 PM, November 29, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If there is a list of "university wanna-be['s]" UC would have to be near the top.

Maybe Ms. Zimpher can move from a third rate institution to a second rate one. More power to her.

She appears to have done a competent job here.

at 5:17 PM, November 29, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rick's comments on UC, Nancy Zimpher, and her lack of qualifications for becoming the president at OSU shows him to be an elitist with an inflated ego and a misplaced sense of educational superiority. OSU grad's insistence on calling their school THE Ohio State University further underlines the disdain for all things not found in Columbus. Last time I checked UC was also a state university along with Ohio U., Miami, Wright State, Youngstown State, and a host of others. They are all fine schools in their own right and any of them would be lucky to have a dedicated professional like Nancy Zimpher at the helm.

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