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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Non-candidate bags half the vote

Ed Moore, a Republican candidate for Boone County clerk, withdrew from his race two weeks before the election after admitting his claim of military service in Vietnam was a lie, yet voters darn near elected him anyway. He came within 118 votes of winning.

Does this mean that national Republican Party leaders -- after losing both houses of Congress -- ought to beat a path to Moore's Boone County door to learn his secret?


It turns out Ed's bagging 50 percent of the vote weeks after dropping out is not particularly a tribute to his charm or voters' mass forgiveness or even a news blackout in Boone County. Enquirer reporter Mike Rutledge tells me he's learned that the voting machines are equipped with a feature that lets voters speed-vote for all the partisan candidates in the party of their choice. Straight-ticket voting of whatever sort in heavily Republican Boone County no doubt accounts for much of the extraordinary vote for non-candidate Moore.

Do you think he should "non-run" for Kentucky governor next year?


at 6:44 PM, November 09, 2006 Blogger David Wells said...

No, Ed should stay retired, but they ought to disable that "speed-voting" feature.

Anybody who yanks a straight-party lever isn't putting enough thought into what they are doing. Vote for all Republicans or all Democrats if you want, but at least think about each race and each candidate for the few minutes it takes to fill out the ballot one contest at a time.

at 8:02 AM, November 10, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a scam! Are the voters in Boone County so busy that can't take a few minutes to think for themselves and vote based on candidates vs. blind support of a party. Why doesn't the Republican party or any party who would supports such a rediculous idea just vote on behalf of the people. Oh yes, the people of Boone County may have forgotten that this is a democracy where individuals have the right to choose but also have a responsiblity to know what they are choosing if it is to mean anything.

at 8:51 AM, November 10, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are lazy, which is why you need a speed-voting feature. You can't possibly expect everyone to educate themselves and vote responsibly, now can you?

at 11:53 PM, November 11, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Hebron27,
I am here to tell you that you are not the only dem. left in BC. I have been livid every time this farce of a way to vote has occured, in the last 20 years. Anyone who looks at the #'s can see its a party thing. But the egos of these Reps are so out of control, they actually believe its because of something they, personally have done. The only thing they have done is pick their affiliation in a timely manner. That became even more evident when the rest of the dems who were left in office changed over to republican a few yrs ago. If that didnt show their lack of loyalty, what else would? But unfortunately, people don't care about the smaller races and the "party flavor" of the current times are reaping too many wins, to allow the out-dated methods of voting to be changed.
Glad to know their is someone else out there dealing in reality.

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