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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Blackwell's best line

At 8:47 p.m. Tuesday Ken Blackwell sent out an e-mail conceding victory to Ted Strickland.

“Ted, you ran a good race and have won a tremendous opportunity to lead the people of this state to better days, a stronger economy and higher quality of life. Congratulations and best wishes for a successful tenure as governor of the greatest state in America.”

Blackwell's concession was dignified and on point. Too bad he didn’t campaign that way.


at 11:36 PM, November 07, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, too bad he didn't campaign that way, but why should he? He never felt he had to perform his job that way either.

He knew watchdogs of democracy like the Cincinnati Enquirer would look the other way while his management of the 2004 election became a national scandal. He knew you wouldn't hold him accountable for spending his time as Secretary of State working not to ensure that Ohio has fair elections that are counted accurately, but to disenfranchise our most powerless citizens.

The Enquirer endorsed him without even a glance at his abysmal performance as SOS. The editors dismissed Strickland as having no plan and then swooned over Blackwell's gimmicky scheme to fix all of Ohio's problems by turning over control of the taxpayer-financed Turnpike to who knows who with who knows what repercussions.

In your endorsement, you said, "Last week, Blackwell decided to counter a 20-point deficit in the polls with an unconscionable mudslide of innuendo against Strickland, leaving us with an urge to go shower."

Trust me. You didn't get all the stink off.

at 4:26 AM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The America spoke loudly to the Bush administration and the Republican party tonight. The American people want hope. The American people are tired of the lies and want oversight. The American hard working people want someone in Columbus, Ohio and Washington who will listen to them. I don't know about you, but I am breathing a big sigh of relief we have checks and balances back in our government.

at 8:37 AM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like kicking a man when he's down. Very classy.

at 4:17 PM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank God for this country, where we can HAVE a system of checks and balances. The past 6 years have shown us all how badly we need them.

Personally, I noticed that Phil Heimlich kept the news reporters out of his campaign party, even when he came outside to concede...but we all know who was in THAT room, don't we? The one camera guy who got in showed us a lovely shot of the Rev. Doug Howe, all the way back from California to hobnob with his former congregation...kind of makes me glad I voted for Pepper.

Neither political party holds the key to God. Christians abound on both sides of the aisle. Only God is perfect, folks. Let freedom ring, God bless America, and here's to the next two years being ones of common sense and true moral decency around the world.

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