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Wednesday, November 08, 2006


My friend marked her ballot at her polling place in Landen and asked the poll worker if she should insert the pages into the scanning machine one at a time or together.

"It doesn't matter," she was told.

It doesn't matter? How can the machine read the back of page one when it is sandwiched against page two? Unless those machines have CAT scan units in them, I have to think some of Pam's votes weren't counted.

Looking at the results of Tuesday's elections, I'm more convinced than ever that voters work hard to appreciate the nuances of the issues and weigh the candidates carefully. Pam is that sort of person. To think that a clueless poll worker's casual advice can nullify a thoughtful voter's choices makes me ill. Who knows how many voters that poll worker cancelled out?


at 9:50 AM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those machines at the precinct level are to check for overvotes giving optiscan ballots an advantage against spoilage.

at 11:16 AM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm surprised the machine wouldn't jam up.

btw, great editorial cartoon today.

at 1:15 PM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mind just boggles at the pure stupidity of most people and it's super scary to realize that they're the ones voting for the decisions of this country!

We can get a man on the moon, yet we still can't figure out a way to get accurate counts from the polling places! Really? Is it that hard? GO TO COMPUTERS...ALL COMPUTERS!

at 3:20 PM, November 08, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right. Just think of all of the votes for Victoria Wulsin that may have been nullified in this way. Good thing it looks like there will be a recount.

at 7:09 PM, November 11, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a very important question for a newspaper to answer. Just how does the Hart Intercivic eScan operate? Does the initial scanning check just for over and undervotes so a voter has a chance to do over mistakes. Or is the precinct level scanner actually tabulating votes?


Afterall the reporters and editors who believed that the Warren County BoE lockdown during tabulation was no big deal probably did not understand the myriad of ways an election can be subverted when punch cards are tabulated by a card reader.

Who knew how easy it was to mistabulate votes by assigning them to a different precinct or that an icepick could be used to invalidate a stack of ballots.

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