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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

'To vote the vote, the vote we vote, can vote do vote ...'

Thinking about NOT making that little extra effort to vote today because the weather's a bit crummy? Think again. Let me tell you a true story:

Some years ago while I was living in Southern California, in a city not too much smaller than Cincinnati, Election Day was much like today, but with a steady drizzle all day. By the time I got out of work, I didn't feel like making the soggy slog over to the fire station to cast my ballot, so I skipped it. I later wished I hadn't.

Here's why. One race for a seat on City Council wound up to be so close that a recount was triggered. After all the chads were unhung, the official vote wound up as an absolute tie. The tiebreaker was a coin-flip, which the candidate I intended to vote for lost.

The winner ended up being an obnoxious jerk on council, which actually meant that he fit right in - but that's another story. The point is that particularly in an election such as today's, with a number of hotly contested races, a relative handful of little, individual decisions - cutting short a trip to the grocery to swing by the polling place, for example - not only could make the difference, they WILL make the difference.

Like David Wells (see below), I voted early this time to see how the system works, so I'm not sweating the weather. But if you haven't yet voted, make sure you get there before the polls close (7:30 p.m. in Ohio, 6 p.m. in Kentucky) - unless you're going to vote against the guys I voted for, that is.

About the headline on this entry: It's from Gertrude Stein's lyrics to Virgil Thomson's delightfully quirky opera "The Mother of Us All" about Susan B. Anthony and the fight for women's suffrage. So vote the vote.


at 3:52 PM, November 07, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto! Not only did I have a similar experience related to a local issue, I was too embarrassed to admit the bad weather had overpowered my desire to make a difference. Though not 'absentee', I got out there within the first hour today. Now, let's see if my vote makes a difference in creating a different government than the one we have had to live with for the last few years.

at 4:11 PM, November 07, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the age of the Internet, why should the weather matter at all? Oh, right-- these so-called fundamental values of democracy like voting aren't important enough to bring into the 21st century. A government that won't modernize shouldn't complain about low voter turnout every election.

at 1:46 PM, November 09, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

One can only laugh at all the "your vote makes a difference" comments. Many of us do not vote because it's merely the choice between principle-less parasites who want to steal your money and limit your freedoms vs. morally bankrupt mental defectives who want to steal your money and limit your freedoms. In other words, it's no choice at all. Our vote doesn't count and never will because it's a pointless and improper exercise.

If you sanction any of these people, you're sanctioning an immoral system. I and millions like me refuse to do it.

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