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Friday, November 10, 2006

Cutthroat cutbacks

Shrinking enrollment prompted the Cincinnati Board of Education to order cutbacks in the district's $1 billion school rebuilding program. So Supt. Rosa Blackwell submitted a plan that calls for cutting about 7,000 seats from the 51 new and remodeled schools in the plan. The proposed cuts include reducing capacity at Walnut Hills High School by more than 400 students and shrinking several popular Montessori programs in other buildings.

If this is a game of chicken between Blackwell and the board majority it should stop. She reportedly wanted fewer cutbacks, believing the enrollment will go back up as the district's programs, facilities and test scores improve. But she was told to make the cuts deeper because the board doesn't want to over build.

Cutting into the district's most popular features, which is what Walnut Hills and the Montessori programs are, is counter-productive. These programs often have waiting lists and the way to increase enrollment is to offer more of the best programs, not less. Just announcing that such cuts are under consideration probably causes some parents thinking of sending their kids to CPS to look for other options.

The superintendent and board are wrong if they think this is an education issue. It is Marketing 101.


at 7:07 AM, November 12, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is interesting. Perhaps it serves as further incentive for families to move into the charter school programs, since the good, public ones will be cut further. Even if you are a fan of charter schools, perhaps one should look into the $76,000 that was given to her husband, Mr. Blackwell, by David Brennan of White Hat Management. Millions are being made off the backs of public school failures & cuts. Mrs. Blackwell likes to keep company in that neighborhood.

at 7:13 AM, November 13, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

reading over the cuts one can only believe that ms. blackwell is playing politics with our kids future. rather than cutting what sells best, the cuts should focus on how to provide more for walnut hills and more for the montessori system.

on another subject, the giveback to hamilton county of school funds with a promised payoff years in the future should be halted before it goes any furthur. that is money that can be used to make our schools more desirable. one need only look at what kevin bright has done with mason schools to understand what marketing can do.

at 11:25 AM, November 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

First I don’t live in Hamilton County, my kids don’t go to Hamilton county schools. Before some hack tries to tell me I can’t have an opinion about the schools cause I’m not in it don’t waste your breath. I have worked in Cincinnati for almost 20 years and have seen my income confiscated and spent on a city and services I cant vote on.
Ms. Blackwell has done a super job running the schools. She inherited a corrupt, bureaucratic nightmare and is managing it like a business, more power to her. Uncomfortable with the cuts? to bad deal with it. You asked her to be prudent with your tax money she is.
You want to fix the problem? Then stop attacking the people you elected to fix it and point the finger at a more nefarious group: the corrupt, manipulative, politically driven, bloated teachers union that blasts YOUR money away on any idiotic program it can come up with and teaches your kids anything it wants no matter how much you protest.
The Union answers to no one, not even the ones paying the bill.
Ms. Blackwell is in a No-Win situation; she will annoy some and thrill many but consider that she is running a multi-BILLION dollar business and has to justify every decision she makes to whining, shrieking and in most cases ignorant parents who haven’t a clue of what it takes to run a company the size of a public school system. Also to infer she is corrupt because a donation was made to her husbands failed governors race is a sad commentary and poorly thought out.

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