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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Would you run for public office?

As you can imagine, vetting political candidates for our editorial endorsements is always a fascinating process. Some days we editorial writers are inspired, and other days alarmed, by the candidates who sit across from us.

Some are brimming over with experience, ideas and passion. They've put in their time in the trenches, honing their leadership skills in private-sector careers or moving up from low-profile local offices to vie for national roles.

Others appear to have little understanding of the issues they'd face if elected, or even of the duties of the office they seek. They just get a kick out of seeing their name on the ballot.

In one regard, I'm impressed by almost all of them. They put themselves out there -- which the rest of us aren't willing to do -- and really believe, in a most inspiring way, that they can change the world. They're willing to ring the doorbell of strangers, march in parades, work the crowds at festivals to engage people in the continual work of building a democracy.

Ever thought of being a candidate yourself? What could lure you into the election process -- or what appalls you enough to keep you out of a race?

Remember what they say about the lottery: Somebody's gonna win. It might as well be you.


at 6:09 PM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope... Not until being a politician is an honorable position again.

at 7:07 PM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the looks of not just candidates but the folks that have been office, it must have been a lottery that got them there. Oh, 'WE' elected them? In any event, other than disgust at the state of affairs in our government, I would never consider subjecting myself through the stuff they have to endure, especially the garbage in this election. But then again, I just saw that DeWine's net worth was $47Million(?) and Voinovich is one of the richest elected officials as well. Now, maybe there are other incentives for people.

at 7:55 PM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ever thought of being a candidate yourself?"


at 8:49 PM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, thanks; I'm not that much of an egomaniac needing to get strokes from hordes of total strangers (not to mention several million dollars short of what it takes to run a campaign).

Why would anyone in their right mind engage in a career so bereft of honor? Why should anyone willingly devalue their integrity, their family, and their privacy? The best and brightest in America will never enter politics again, so we'll continue to decline as a nation under the hamhanded so-called "governance" of the mediocrities who do run and get elected.

at 9:29 PM, October 31, 2006 Blogger Brah Coon said...

http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061031/COL05/610310310/-1/columnists -- Oh, how Charming. You people on the Enquirer editorial staff should put paper bags on your heads everytime this man's column is published. LOL I mean really! Not because of his particular opinions, ( with the possible exception of this piece, if you wanna call it opinion) but his expression of opinion regularly constitutes the worst writing I can recall seeing in a major newspaper column.
It is lazy and utterly predictable; every column has the rhythm of a same 'ole tired melody accompanied by a shuffled, recycled lyrical theme. The contantly reoccuring theme seems to be: " the media" is to blame for all wrong in the world. As if what we need in the U.S. is something along the lines of the old soviet state owned Pravda! Why, We could win the war and everything! Well, even a press under total state control couldn't save the soviet war in Afgahnistan ( it couldn't even save the soviet union) and the flag waving lapdog press that I pressume he longs to see us have - cannot win UNJUST wars for us either! Likewise, no amount of "positive press coverage" can make G.W. Bush appear to the masses as a brilliant and charismatic figure.
His latest piece was astonishing only by the depths of it's overt slimy content. I felt as though I was not so much reading an " opinion" but witnessing a bellowing sow projectile vomit a spew of non-sequitur.

at 9:50 PM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope, not until being a politician becomes an honorable position again.

at 10:33 PM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could never run for office - I have made my share of human mistakes - and I don't have the arrogance or wealth to cover it up.

at 4:50 AM, November 01, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would run for office if the little guy was able to win. But with the Enquirer sponsoring debates that only hold up two candidates (democrat or republican) to choose from, what choice is there for a little guy? Its funny that the Post covers third parties better than your newspaper. Maybe instead of asking little guys to run, you should make it more possible for the little guys who are already running to have their voices and ideas brought into the mainstream.

at 8:58 AM, November 01, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell yes! Where else do you get to , pillage and burn like a Visogoth and get away with it?

If you do get caught--are especially incompetent--you apologize, resign and write a book about it to make more millions.

at 12:15 PM, November 01, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

at 10:33 PM, October 31, 2006 Anonymous said...
I could never run for office - I have made my share of human mistakes - and I don't have the arrogance or wealth to cover it up.

cant add a thing this is too perfectly written.

at 1:16 PM, November 01, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I don't personally want to run for office or be a politician, there needs to be more "real" choices. The need for another STRONG party besides Dems and Reps is huge!

I don't think the problem is the fact that they make mistakes. We ALL make mistakes. It's that they choose to hide them versus stepping up and admitting fault. So, I'd just like one HONEST candidate to be on the ballot for once. Then, maybe I'd feel like I was voting for the best person possible...instead of who is less evil.

at 11:13 PM, November 01, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure. What's not to like about getting a $165K salary for only showing up 93 days a year (and "showing up" is meant symbolically, not literally, of course)? Plus the taxpayer-paid junkets (vacations) and lobbyist-paid golf trips to Scotland. Beats having a real job.

at 6:01 PM, November 05, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Rick 3:49, it appears you are engaging in the same sort of "rip" you despise. Do you have anything else to add to the debate, or are you just venting?

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