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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What defines Conservative?

Dictionary.com defines Conservative as 1.Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change. 2. Traditional or restrained in style: a conservative dark suit. 3. Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate.

Sounds reasonable enough. Though change can bring creativity and innovation to the forefront in many areas needing our energies, not all change is for the best so to 'proceed with caution' and 'moderation' can often save problems subsequently. But then using the label Conservative to refer to people or referring to others as Liberal often is nothing but a ploy to mass generalize and does not address the real issues at hand. Labels are used to incite voters against an opponent or to try to draw people to ones self more often than anything else. No doubt, Conservative is also used as a negative label by some who may profess to be liberal and shun other labels as symbols of stereotyping.

Many voters are just plain sick of these labels and ideological mumbo-jumbo as the issues are getting lost in the rhetoric. They want to be known as conservatives who want honesty, want to have us live within our means and balance our budgets, find it unacceptable and want immediate accountability when learning of a congressman's indiscretion with entrusted teenagers, have a staunch stance against invasion of our privacy, and who take issue with our state allowing conditions that have deteriorated Ohio to being second highest in college tuition rates in the entire country. These conservative values, along with others, are not ones they are willing to give up no matter how politicians are using these labels.

So, what about you? What do you think of the use of these labels and where do your concerns fall that you don't want the candidates to gloss over?


at 5:31 PM, October 25, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the difference between Conservatives and Liberals?

Conservatives readily admit to and argue as proponents for their philosophical basis as conservatives.

Liberals run away from their label because their positions are often irrational, emotional only based, and indefensible.

at 7:55 PM, October 25, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

A conservative sees issues as black or white. There are no in-between shades of gray.

at 11:25 PM, October 25, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conservatives seem to want to conserve their money, power and station in life at the expense of others and at all costs. The "at all costs" is what has proven to be their down fall. They lost their moral compass, they couldn't even fake compassion. They are defensive, afraid of being challenged on their true beliefs and rationale. They are calculating and vindictive.
I WAS a conservative Republican for years - volunteering for their candidates, protecting their agenda - no more, NO MORE.
MY Christian values allowed me to see the light -
Being a progressive means respecting others' rights as much as my own. Promoting upward mobility of all my neighbors. Working to afford everyone with the basic building blocks of success; education, jobs, healthcare and opportunity.
Being a progressive is about US, being a conservative is about ME.
(welcome Shakali (sic) and congrats)

at 8:40 AM, October 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should understand that terms like "conservative" and "liberal" (and "progressive") are legitimate shorthand terms to describe general beliefs in opposing ideological creeds, and not be afraid to use those shorthand terms when appropriate. Today, being a "conservative" generally means:
1) you oppose abortion because it kills an innocent human life
2) you see homosexuality as an emotional/psychological disorder which is almost certainly not the result of a conscious choice by the sufferer (and I use that word deliberately)
3) you support our elected officials to the rest of the world, instead of imputing evil motives to their decisions
4) you believe in helping those who need help, but not "enabling" them by encouraging them to become dependent on handouts instead of working to become self-sufficient, and inculcating good values.

The comments of the self-described "progressive" (Anonymous, 12:25AM, 10/26) reveal the mindset of many liberals who truly see themselves as morally superior to others, because they understand and practice what is "right", while others (because they see things differently) are deficient. Such arrogance.

at 9:21 AM, October 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed poster 12:25AM avoided calling himself/herself a Liberal.

The Goals are simple. Do you want to set high standards for yourself and society, with equal opportunities and personal responsibility?

Or do you want to set standards at the Lowest Common Denominator so that all equally enjoy mediocrity?

Look at Historical World Facts. Worldwide, the Poor’s standard of living is higher when all aspire to be their best within capitalist societies, as opposed to socialistic societies with lower standards, histories of poorer performance, and lower standards of living.

Let the facts be the judge and not your emotions.

P.s Most/many Conservatives do not label themselves as Republicans, but vote Republican as the lesser of two evils.

at 10:28 AM, October 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote independent - for the person, not for the party. If I had to "choose" - I'd probably choose libertarian.

at 11:31 AM, October 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about using the word "liberal" as a term of hate? I have to tell you that having taken a course on Europe in the Age of Hitler a few years back, the conservative dialogue with respect to "liberals" carries a lot of emotional hate connected to it. In many ways, in conservative dogma, it seems that liberals are the new jews.

I have noticed phrases like:

"Liberals are responsible for society's problems."

"Liberals have taken over our government and media and want to provide partial birth abortions to your daughter."

"Liberals are godless."

"Liberals only care about spending your money."

It should be obvious to anyone now that the vitriol at the right (which is largely a product of talk radio, these days) has turned the word liberal into a a term as dirty and effective as a racial slur.

When Hitler was rousing the masses who were stricken financially by the first world war, he invoked the "stab in the back" theory, stating that Jews were responsible for the peace treaties that cost an all-but-certain German victory in WWI. I have heard the same "stab in the back" theory many a times waged against Bill Clinton for cutting our military. It seems that in recent years, with the vitriol and hate that constantly wafts from the right wing, the label "conservative" might more aptly call itself "reactionary." This by no means encompasses all conservatives or the entire GOP, but think about it: the most vocal bunch continually drags out the "liberal" boogeyman from the closet to verbally kick around and blame whenever they need to take voters' eyes off of some more important, relevent issues...

at 2:26 PM, October 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't take the title "liberal" because it has been misconstrued and redefined beyond what I thought it meant.
Liberal comes from the term "liberty" people who believe in personal liberties - to believe what they want, live they way they want --and respect everyone else's right to do the same and within the contraints of not treading on other people's rights in so doing.
As a liberal - I wouldn't impose my beliefs or positions on the whole of my community. I wouldn't seek legislation to infringe on any one groups rights.
My vlaues are anything but weak or liberal - for myself -(I am opposed to abortion, I believe in fiscal restraint,I believe in faith) but Goingfrom conservative toa "progressive" (liberal, means I don't impose my beliefs on others --
I merely hope those former fellow conservatives realize how they have been used by the Republican Party to be scared into an ideology that is paternalistic toward its citizens

at 2:35 PM, October 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

All those Catholic (Christian) conservatives need to read up on the churches' stance. The "Common Good" is a catholic program that is seeking to remind us catholics of what our true christian doctrine really is after being hijacked and manipulated over the last few years by the republican party. If you are too lazy to read up on the dictates of your own faith just asks yourself this simple, grade-school question, "What would Jesus do?". I don't think any of the tenets of christianity would support attacking God's gay children, balancing a budget onthe backs of children in need, denying educational opportunities, and waging a war that sacrifices the lives of Americans and Iraqis without cause or justification.

at 11:50 AM, October 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What defines a conservative?
As a self-described conservative, I do not necessarily
have a problem with the dictionary.com definition provided by the original poster, outside of semantics. The point I want to make is this: By anyone's definiton of conservative it should be obvious that President Bush and the policies of his adminisration can hardly be described as " conservative".
His insane and impossible notion of worldwide democratic revolution is NOT conservative - It's radical and destructive. It is the thinking of a manic ideologue. The ideology is called neo-conservatism and I would urge people not to confuse it with true conservatism. The two have little in common. Conservatives tend to place great value on the U.S. Constitution. Neo-cons see it as an antiquated annoyance.

at 12:20 PM, October 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think all too often the label of conservative and democrat is but a blanket statement, but in keeping with prevailing ideologies defining the two, I’ll offer this nugget to gnaw on.

Jesus was an egalitarian pacifist who promoted peace and tolerance, abhorred disingenuous behavior, celebrated women’s rights, was a friend of the downtrodden and promoted charity and equal distribution amongst all, and sacrificed all for the greater good.

The U.S. has been led into a bloody war by a Republican political leader who advanced his own agenda by misleading the public. Republicans have consistently slashed social security programs, benefiting the poorest of the poor yet continue to cut taxes for the wealthy at the expense of these same people.

Hmm… my guess is that Jesus is in the Democrat camp.

at 1:01 PM, October 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is that Jesus was in Karl Marx's camp..

"From each of his own abilities to each for their own needs.."

at 2:01 PM, October 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus would form a third party. Christ/Magdalene '08!

at 2:14 PM, October 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conservative: http://www.amconmag.com/

Neoconservative: http://www.frontpagemag.com/

at 4:03 PM, October 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with either term "Conservative" or "Liberal". This country was built on both views and has thrived on both views. My concern is with the Republicans claiming they are conservative. The Republican party is far from conservative and have swung so far extreme, I am beginning to think the Republicans are more liberal than Democrats.

at 1:15 PM, October 28, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I promote the Purple People Party- purple as in Christ's Passion; suffering and sacrifice ( otherwise known as paying your fair share , as in proudly paying taxes in order to create a level playing field, providing everyone with dignity and choice [ called free will], and certain minimal rights, protections, freedoms and basic human services)
The Purple People Party IS the medium between theliberals and the conservatives - the logical compromise of ideologies that truely represent the middle spectrum of society - not the extremist views of the far right and far left.
It means voting your conscience in the light of a free open market TO ALL, the saving grace of humanity at its best ( service, sacrifice and caring for fellow man)...

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