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Opinions from members of the Enquirer Editorial Board

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Free food for hungry, opinionated teenagers

A lot more is at stake in this fall's election than Senate seats, smoking bans and slot machines.

A Chipotle burrito, for one thing, or a grande caramel macchiato.

Those are the incentives -- let's not call them bribes -- that I'm offering to a select group of adolescents willing to share their take on the elections with me.

Not only am I extremely interested in your views on candidates and issues, I'm curious about your willingness to vote in the future -- and, perhaps, even run for office.

Have we adults bored you with empty rhetoric, disgusted you with slimy campaign ads or engaged you in one of the great privileges of growing up in a democracy -- the right to take part in a free election?

Right now, you may fall under the radar screen of the political parties, but they'll be courting you in years to come. We on the Enquirer Editorial Board think that's too late. We want to engage you in the election process right now.

So please, share your thoughts and comments on this blog -- tell us how up-to-snuff you are on this election, if you discuss it at home and in class, and why it matters or doesn't matter to you.

Then, if you'd like to meet me and a small group of your peers at a Chipotle or Starbucks to further discuss the elections, send me an email at kramsey@enquirer.com. I'll choose a group of you -- some highly interested, some entirely turned off -- and treat you to free food or caffeine in exchange for a lively discussion.

Here's your chance to be heard -- and fed.


at 8:12 AM, October 25, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krista, I must be a teenager at 31! Chipotle and caramel macchiatos are my favorites...are you sure you can't extend this is us oldies?!?!?! LOL

at 3:31 PM, October 26, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 17 years old and a senior at Wyoming High School; unfortunately, I won't be 18 by election day.

As I see it, Blackwell's campaign tactics - namely, slandering Strickland's sexuality - are simply sad. Sad because it was dirty and should not be an issue, yes, but also because it could very well be effective. It seems the Republican party has long used fear of gays to gain support and energize its base among conservative Christians, and Blackwell, at a loss for anything else, is turning to that old standby. It's sad that a vague insinuation about a candidates sexuality could have an impact but, as several letters have shown, it very well might. Also, if Strickland is gay - and a number of elected officials secretly are - this would only damage his ability to govern, were he elected. That would be truly sad for Ohio.

Nikki Giovanni is only tangentially related to the election, but hey, I think there's something no one has said yet about her Fountain Square reading: even with the reference to Blackwell (and other touchy subjects) removed, that is still one terrible poem! I like poetry (really, I'm a teenage guy, but I enjoy good poetry). That was hardly good poetry. Giovanni embarrassed herself and her city with her awful writing almost as much as she did with her rude insults...

Issue 5 also interests me. It's tough, because I think of myself as a Libertarian, but I would vote for it. If I could; as it is, I'm just trying to persuade my parents. I'm all for personal liberties, but I feel that because one person's decision to smoke can irreparably damage others around him or her, it should be limited extensively. The same cannot be said for eating loads of trans-fats or not wearing a seatbelt or even shooting up on heroin - those are quite stupid, but they don't hurt me. Smoking in my presence, however, does.

As much as I may hate to admit it, my Govt. teacher has done a good job of getting me interested in this election. I've always read editorials and payed attention to a few issues, but she's really immersed us in the election and made it interesting.

at 9:02 AM, October 27, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Kayla.I am 15 and a student from Holmes High School. Lately our class has been looking at the Covington school board elections.There has been some things that have raised my eye! for instance, Covington test scores are low! Almost the lowest in the state. Well alot of the canadits are only talking about getting more prental involment. What about the scored that set us aside from everyone else.Not enought is being done. The books we haveare so out dated. They have pages ripped out of them and words written all over then so some of the teachers don't even use them because of that. What about the fact that half of ours schools are falling apart! So, there is a lot of things that need to be done. Also, I hate it how all the canadits are going against each other. How they say bad this about each other. They may be working together. I think that show bad leader ship also. The whole smoking bands, Well I think that people should be allowed to smoke in plubic places. It's their choice if they want to smoke or not. I think that if a person that don't like smoking should'nt sit next to someone that does and if they have a problem about it then MOVE!!!! That's not all I have to say.I just cant think right now. If I come up with more then I will add some more!

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