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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Social worker killed 'in the line of duty'

It's been more than two months since little Marcus Feisel was killed. How many of us have forgotten 0ur promises to improve the foster care system so that such things don't keep happening?

The story of Boni Frederick, a veteran child welfare social worker killed "in the line of duty" over the weekend, brings home the point that much work still needs to be done to improve all aspects of the system.

Sometimes social workers aren't aggressive enough in making sure kids are safe. Sometimes the system doesn't do enough to allow the workers to safely do their jobs. Frederick, unfortunately, fell into the second category.


at 1:39 PM, October 19, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, when you're dealing with people who can't adequately take care of their children, abuse their children or bring in men that abuse their children, nothing surprises me and there's always going to be a danger to that job. It's not a breakdown of the system, it's a breakdown of all society members. It's sad that we might have to start arming the people that are appointed to protect our children with weapons just to make sure that they leave house alive.

at 10:21 AM, October 20, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the mother got fed up with the state telling her she could not adequately take care of her child. Until the child is actually harmed, all this "at risk" talk is just bs to enable the state to intrude into the affairs of private citizens. Sorry, Boni; you should have tended to your own business and kept your nose out of hers.

at 9:23 PM, October 20, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup. Let's wait until the child is starving, maimed, or dead. We righties know that less gummint intrusion is always preferable to human life, 'cuz we're the party of "values."

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