
Today at the Forum
Opinions from members of the Enquirer Editorial Board

David Wells,
Editorial Page Editor

Ray Cooklis,
Assistant Editorial Editor

Krista Ramsey,
Editorial Writer

Dennis Hetzel, General Manager,
Kentucky Enquirer/NKY.Com

Jim Borgman,
Editorial Cartoonist

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Opening round of endorsements

The Enquirer Editorial Board's endorsements have begun. Editorials recommending David Pepper for Hamilton County Commissioner and Jim O'Reilly for the Ohio First District Court of Appeals were posted on the Enquirer.com this afternoon and will appear in the Forum Section of Sunday morning's print edition. We will be making endorsements in many more Ohio and Kentucky races during the next few weeks.

These endorsements are the consensus views of the Editorial Board and represent the institutional voice of the Enquirer rather than the opinion of any one person. We make these judgments based on our experience and observations, interviews with the candidates and how the candidates match up with the editorial stance of the Enquirer on the issues.

That said, we are not trying to substitute our judgment for yours. What we offer is informed and, we believe, well-reasoned advice to you, our readers. We encourage you to carefully study the contests and the positions of the candidates for yourselves. We believe our choices are the best ones. But if you believe otherwise based on your own research and values that's fine. In fact, that's the beauty of a democracy. The important thing is to be sure you are making informed choices.


at 8:53 PM, October 14, 2006 Blogger JohnDWoodSr said...

I admit to feeling stunned and hopeful by these endorsements. If David Pepper is elected, a Democratic majority in the Commissioners office would give Hamilton County residents a chance to experience something new- OPEN government for the PEOPLE and a much wiser use of our tax dollars.
Jim O'Reilly made several valid points. I'm glad you agree that the judicial selection system needs to be opened up. Jim O'Reilly would make a fine judge and should be given the chance.
Well done, gentlemen, and thank you.

at 9:37 PM, October 14, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

On behalf of the working families of Cincinnati - I applaud the Enquirer for both the endorcements of Pepper and O'Reily.
It is time we break away from the one-party rule that has diminished the quality of life in every neighborhood, has created the foundation for scandal and social injustices and made a mockery of our moral values, loyalty and patience.
The Enquirer has opened their eyes and ours, saying what needed to be said, now it is time the citizens take back control by voting in new faces and voting out old agendas.

at 10:40 PM, October 14, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

BRAVO!!! An informed endorsement. Thank you not only for endorsing the better man (not necessarily party) and giving us an explanation for the endorsement. Thank you for educating your readers and reporting the facts concerning the 2 candidates. How refreshing. I have a renewed respect for the Enquirer and excitement in reading future coverage.

at 12:05 AM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! The world must be ending tomorrow! - The Enquirer endorsed two Democrats - so far!
Seriously, well done. There IS hope for Cincinnati and Hamilton County. Now, let's get out and vote for change, balanced government and accountability.

at 7:35 AM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what Cincinnati is all about ... supporting leaders that WILL make a difference for ALL. The collaboration of everyone from all walks of life, all backgrounds is what it will take to bring Cincinnati back to the great PROUD city we all call home! Cheers!

at 11:20 AM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your endorsement of Mr. Pepper was no surprise. 76% of all opinions that you've (The Enquirer) published for the past two years - having to do with anyone's idea of political - have been from the left. I suspect your endorsements will follow suit. Though you claim to just be a "cat herder" you've actually used your position to shape - rather than report - the news (which is the too often ignored #1 responsibility of the media.) The only opinion from either side that typically makes sense is Walter Williams - and you put him on the last/back page of the section. Why? Because someone who makes sense and has no political agenda is a threat to the media's undying need to convince Americans to take a side, to embrace one party or the other. In doing so you all play into the hands of the power brokers. Anyone who thinks the Dems and Republicans hate each other - as friends and neighbors are beginning to do as they get sucked in by the lie - is naive. It's all acting; every bit as good or better than Hollyweird's. With so much at stake today our politicians (different than Statesmen - who don't appear to exist anymore) are all headed in the wrong direction as they pad their pockets and ignore their campaign promises. Meanwhile, those who will attack us again revel in the knowledge that Nero is fiddlin' again.

at 2:21 PM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's official now, Dave. You and your liberal (oh, excuse me - now you call yourselves "progressives")cohorts have completely taken over the Enquirer. Congratulations.

Oh, by the way,your circulation will continue it's rapid decline. When a news organization's bias (editorially or otherwise)becomes obvious, people make other choices. Just ask ABC, CBS and NBC.

Isn't an editorial board supposed to be representative of the community it covers? Do you really think you and your cohorts reflect the views of this community? Clearly you don't. Oh well, when the bottom completely falls out from your rapidly diminishing circulation, maybe you can do a JOA with the Suburban Press.

at 4:06 PM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious. That's what this endorsement is. "Thoughtful, intelligent, policy wonk" are the terms used describing Pepper. This is the same paper that endorsed him for mayor a year ago saying he had great management experience. Says who? Has he ever managed employees where he’s responsible for a bottom line? No. What’s this guy ever done? Where has he worked? Has he ever received a W-2 wage earnings statement from a non public employer? Given that he's an attorney, has he ever stepped foot in a courtroom? No again. Please give me some plumbers, teachers, or electricians for public office. Enough with the lawyers and especially these thirty something’s who’ve never had a real job in their life. Why should anyone be surprised by the Enquirer’s endorsements. I don’t know anyone that even takes the paper anymore. Most have cancelled since it’s become an offshoot of the New York Times and Boston Globe. The Enquirer, just like it’s endorsements are laughable.

at 4:17 PM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We stopped the Enquirer home delivery 5+ years ago. We dropped the dinosaur media (Enquirer and Network News) in favor of internet sourced news without a Liberal agenda to make News, rather than an unbias report of news. I do read your liberal agenda views some times to see what the City of Cincinnati Liberals are thinking. The Enquirer Circulation will continue to go down hill, as the City has, since Liberals took over governance since 1980. Will the City blight totally take over Hamilton County? The momentum is with you. Too bad for the rest of us.

at 4:42 PM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Himlich has been ineffectual as a commissioner. However, I would never vote for Pepper and the Liberals (Pepper on City Councel and Mayour Luken) gang that created the environment for City Riots. The Riot' aftermath- mismanagement and negative fallout is still with us. Pepper's solution was to provide amnesty for rioters and Financial reward relatives of dead criminals fleeing apprehension for their felony crimes.

at 4:43 PM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

No longer will I be paying a dime for such a terribly useless paper. At one point open minded and a true representation of the feeling of the people of the area. Now, just another left wing newspaper. Out touch and out of my home.

at 8:01 PM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

News flash to Mr. Wells and the "progressives" at the Enquirer editorial board: Nobody cares about your endorsements.

Newspaper endorsements are basically meaningless in this day and age. Enquirer endorsements are especially meaningless because informed voters know you are on the left fringe and out of touch with the majority of your readers. The only endorsements that really mean anything are the FOP and labor endorsements.

A bold prediction - the Enquirer will endorse Ken Blackwell for Governor. Not because of his conservative politics which I'm sure you loathe. You'll endorse him because he's black and you're afraid of being labelled as racist if you dont. Your newspaper and parent company, Gannett, are race obsessed.

So endorse away boys and girls. Nobody is listening. Nobody cares what you think.

at 8:14 PM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it telling and sad really that all the comments that accuse the Enquirer of being liberal simply because they did something they rarely if ever do, and that is endorse a Democrat have no other point. Not one has anything to say about why Mr. Heimlich should have been emdorsed instead. Are we to assume he should have been endorsed simply because he is a Republican. Has Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill Cunningham got people so brain washed they think all they have to do is pull a straight R ticket without even considering who might be the better candidate?

Don't tell me you always vote republican because the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility, because they are not. Don't tell me it is because the GOP has tightened our port security, because they have not. Don't tell me that they have addressed our chemical plants because they haven't. Don't tell me it is because the Iraq War was the right war at the right time for the right reasons, because it is not. And do not dare tell me that the economy is good for anyone other than the wealthy, because it is not.

And like the proud reality based liberal that I am, I actually have facts to back up my claims:

From the Boston Herald NOT the Globe:

Bush economy nothing to broadcast
By Brett Arends
Boston Herald Business Columnist

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The neocon talk-show hosts were so angry last week they could barely speak.

The “mainstream media” and “the drive-by media” and “the liberal media,” they said, were deliberately ignoring the president’s great record on the stock market, on gasoline prices and on jobs.

Why don’t the media talk about the Dow, they demanded.

OK. Let’s.

The Dow Jones Industrials Average closed last week at 11,867. That’s a gain of 1,279 points since George Bush took office on Jan. 20, 2001.

That’s an annualized gain of 2 percent.

Under Bill Clinton, it was 15.9 percent.

Bush’s dad: 9.8 percent.

Ronald Reagan: 11.3 percent.

These figures are public record.

The index also did better under Presidents Ford, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Calvin Coolidge. Much better.

Since World War I, the only presidents with a worse Dow Jones Industrials record than the incumbent were Herbert Hoover, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter.

Hoover, Nixon, Carter, Bush? Hmmmm.

I’m saying nothing.

Let’s talk about gasoline prices.

Yes, they’re down 73 cents a gallon from the peak in August. Average today: $2.26. But in January 2001, they were $1.46. So they’re still up 55 percent.


Since January 2001, the jobless rate has risen from 4.2 percent to 4.6 percent.

Over that period, non-farm payrolls have added an average of 46,200 jobs a month. That’s good, right?

Clinton: 237,000 a month.

Reagan: 168,000.

Carter: 215,000. Carter!

Bush’s dad presided over a recession so bad it cost him his job. His record must be worse, right?

His average: 54,000 a month. That’s 17 percent higher than junior’s.

Hey, don’t blame me. They asked.

And if you conservatives are for this war that is costing $11.9 million an hour then I suppose you will agree taxes should be raised to pay for this war rather than to pass it on to our grandchildren.

at 11:00 PM, October 15, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post 9:14PM If you believe that the Enquirer Editorial Board is Middle-of-the-Road or Conservative, we know how far left liberal you lean. Anyone of average intelligence and insight, realizes the Enquirer Board leans far left after the departure of Peter Bronson!

at 12:18 AM, October 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was this really a surprise? NO. David Pepper is in no way a LIBERAL. Please people. He is a Democrat in name only. In reality he is a REPUBLICAN just like his dad. The only reason why Heimlich wasn't endorsed was because he's had too much negative press. Besides, I'm sure that Pepper's money doesn't hurt either. This endorsement is so transparent. How can you endorse Pepper as Mayor one year, then as County Commissioner the next. Whatever!

at 12:32 AM, October 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah wah, they endorsed a liberal liberal liberal democrat.

Did it ever occur to all the conservative complainers, that the editorial board met with both candidates and endorsed the candidate they are most impressed with? Should they endorse someone who is not the best person for the job just to please people who only watch Fox and refuse to read any paper other than the Washington Times?

at 10:29 AM, October 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're giving Pepper an endorsement, you should give Cranley your endoresement too. The two are one in the same as experienced City of Cincinnati Counselmen and crime fighters. They nuture the envirnment for coddling criminals and ruled with rising crime rates in the City, so they belong in power as crime spreads and crime rates rise in the rest of Hamilton County.

at 12:01 PM, October 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Pepper better win in Hamilton County or I will not only leave the City of CIncinnati but Hamilton County all together. Unless you have tried to work with either of these two canidates to address issues in the City of Cincinnati or Hamilton County, you have a lot to learn. Pepper has always been responsive and helpful. I dont care what party he represents--I care what he does. Heimlich or any members of his staff cant return a phone call or address an issue to save his name. The only reason the jail is an issue is because Heimlich knows he has to address to issue to get any votes from those fed up with crime. He hasnt even given a back up plan if the tax levy for the jail fails. And it probley will fail. Pepper is a hard worker, he cares about this city and this county. He doesn't want more taxes like Heimlich. Heimlich for another 4 years and Mallory till 2009? Lets pray not. GO Pepper!

at 3:13 PM, October 16, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't help but chuckle at all the venom and bile being thrown at the Enquirer's editorial staff for being too liberal. I grew up in this city, and I think this is really the first time there has been so much thrown on the Enquirer from the right, rather than the historical trend from the left.

There are bad Republicans just as there are bad Democrats. Bad as in not stepping with the party line. Bad as in doing a poor job. I personally believe that Pepper and Heimlich are in general honorable men who happen to look at many things from polar opposite perspectives.

Having said that, I fell that Heimlich and DeWine have had their opportunity to reshape county government to their preference, and I honestly don't see any improvement. My taxes haven't moved much, even though Heimlich is a champion of lower taxes. The Banks is still a mudhole (although a nicely paved one).

at 2:22 PM, October 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, how many democrats has the Enquirer endorsed since 2000? I am guessing the answer will be, "too many to count" or "many". I challenge you to give me an exact number.

at 8:18 PM, October 17, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, how many democrats has the Enquirer endorsed since 2000? I am guessing the answer will be, "too many to count" or "many". I challenge you to give me an exact number.

Sunday, October 29, 2000
A leader to trust
Enquirer endorses Bush for President

Nov. 4, 2002
Taft (R) for governor
McConnell (R)
Chabot (R)
Portman (R)
Turner (R)
Boehner (R)
Lucas (D)
Blackwell (R)
Herrington (D)
Deters (R)
Montgomery (R)
Stratton (R)
O'Connor (R)
Schuler (R)
Raussen (R)
Driehaus (D)
Barrett (D)
Yates (D)
Heimlich (D)
Nelson (R)
Tepe (D)
Croswell (R)
Edmonson (R)
Murgatroyd (R)

Sunday, October 24, 2004
Enquirer presidential endorsement

George Bush for president

Sunday, October 24, 2004
We support Bunning (R) for re-election

Thursday, October 28, 2004
Vote for Portune (D) and DeWine (R)

Thursday, October 28, 2004
Geoff Davis (R) for U.S. House seat

Sunday, July 31, 2005
Enquirer endorsement
Schmidt (R) for Congress

80 percent of The Cincinnati Enquirer's endorsements in county races since 1970 went to Republicans and 90 percent went to incumbents. This fall, the morning paper was 6-for-6 in endorsing Republican incumbents in contested county races.

Hey editorial board, I'm sure it would be alot easier for you to answer the question. Excatly what percentage of your endorsements have gone to democrats since 2000. Let's leave out city council where there isn't a very high proporttion of republicans running.

at 10:14 PM, October 21, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

i find it incredible that you can endorse two losers like blackweasel and dewhine. what are you smoking in the editorial offices?

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