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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The beat goes on

It must be a Washington thing. Last month, Ohio Rep. Bob Ney, charged with corruption in the Abramoff scandal, checked himself into a rehabilitation clinic for alcoholism.

This month, Florida Rep. Mark Foley, outed for salacious e-mails sent to teenage male House pages, said he was seeking treatment for alcoholism and mental illness. His lawyer said he was apologetic for communications he made while under the influence of alcoholism. Is that called SUI -- seduction while under the influence? Foley later said, Oh yeah, he was also molested as a kid by a clergyman.

The scandal has also ensnared House leaders, including Majority Leader John Boehner of Ohio. Did they do enough to stop Foley's creepy come-ons to underage boys. You will know they're buckling, if they check themselves in for alcoholism rehab.

Isn't it breathtaking how these congressmen are suddenly so eager to go public about their serious alcoholism problem, while Cincinnati Bengals picked up for DUI or other substance abuse are trying to distance themselves a thousand yards from such public exposure. What's wrong with their lawyers? Why haven't they checked their humongous clients into a clinic for eating disorders? "My eating disorder made me do it. "

Which brings up another news report. Guantanamo Bay prison detainees are getting obese from eating everything on the menu. One weighs 410 pounds. Even the ones on hunger strikes are well-fed. Question: Is the American diet cruel and unusual punishment? Supreme Court, speak up.

And finally, check out the Louisville Courier-Journal story http://www.courier-journal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061004/NEWS0104/610040566 on the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Inspector General who says top Fletcher administration officials blocked his investigation into rigged road contracts. The Transportation Cabinet was Action Central for most of the shenanigans exposed during the administration's patronage hiring scandal. Here we go again.


at 12:11 AM, October 05, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what the most shameless thing I've seen to come out of this Foley scandal so far . . . House Rep. Thomas Reynolds calls a press conference to tackle questions surrounding his involvement in the whole sordid affair, and he surrounds himself with children (whom he calls "his supporters" when questioned.) This stops people from asking questions that kids might not rather here, but its a serious issue and Reynolds used children as "human shields" so he wouldn't have to address the very real problems right now that surround the GOP leadership. Disgusting. Hilarious . . . and still disgusting.

at 6:39 PM, October 05, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was Boehner and Hastert thinking. If one of them begins an investigation on Foley, they can distance themsleves and Republicans from him. But now it appears they covered it up and are taking fire for it. Aren't they members of the party that wants to ban gay marriage. Hmmm. Maybe it's just politics after all.

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