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Monday, October 02, 2006

Where's the outrage?

Enquirer reporter Janice Morse had a shocking story in Saturday's edition.

John Blanks Jr., of Mason, 44, was sentenced to five years in prison, essentially for holding his daughter captive for five years and treating her has his wife. It was reported that Blanks gave his daughter a sexually transmitted disease as well.

It was also reported that the abuse started when she was 13. She is 19 and is attending college away from the area. There aren't many things worse in society than incest, because the victims are usually afraid to come forward or believe they are somehow responsible for their abuser's deviant behavior. So they often live with secret shame.

Thankfully, the teen outed her father to one of her coaches this past summer, and Blanks was prosecuted.

What's difficult for me to understand is why Warren County Judge Neal Bronson sentenced Blanks to only five years when he could have put Blanks away for 20? Is anyone else out there as outraged as I am?


at 6:56 PM, October 02, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. From the time this girl was 13 until she was 18, this man forced his daughter to live in his bedroom, molested her, got her pregnant, had her have an abortion and gave her a lifelong sexually transmitted disease and he gets five years in prison. FIVE YEARS???? Thats it? How can this be?

at 12:51 AM, October 03, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two comments.

One, regarding Foley...what did you expect from a paper that is Republican? If you want an objective opinion of anything, you have to read several papers in the country, not just this one. (In all fairness, there are Democratic papers out there too. That's not right, either.)

Two, what did you expect when the victim in the incest case was black?

When Cincinnati fixes those two biases, they will grow up. Objective reporting, without political slant, should be mandatory nationwide. We the people deserve to get the news in fact, not in jaded slants (we have the editorials for that). And all life should be sacred. Every child abused should be vindicated with outrage and maximum sentences - not just the little white ones. I hope the young lady in this case never has to come back here, makes a success of herself wherever she does live, and is able to have a full and satisfying life.

at 5:22 PM, October 03, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the outrage? I can tell you I've been outraged by so much of the news, especially in the last 6 years. How to express it and have any impact is the problem!
After constantly reading about corruption in the business/ financial world, in government, in the churches, in global politics, etc., I am outraged; I wrote letters that seemed to get lost in the ether.
It is just too overwhelming to keep up with the outrages in this world.

at 11:42 AM, October 04, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so sad to think...but is our society getting so used to so many pedophiles that we're getting soft on these perverts? 5 years compared to this poor girl suffering mentally for the rest of her life? That judge is a moron. Let's just hope that he gets his justice behind bars...even murderers think pedophiles are the scum of the earth.

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