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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Little Amish girls

There is probably nothing more innocent in this world than little Amish girls.

They are raised to be modest, trained to be reserved and encouraged to be communal, to find their purpose and identity in relation to their family and community.

But while they are often shy around non-Amish strangers, they are generally merry of heart as only the pure of heart can be, and sweetly trusting of life. They hide behind their mothers, blush if spoken to directly, wave at you -- as does their entire family -- as you pass their buggy on a dusty road.

I grew up in Wayne County, Ohio, a lovely rural place that was home to many Amish and Mennonite families.

I rode the bus with Betty, a tiny Amish girl with round, wire-rimmed glasses that magnified her bright brown eyes.

I navigated the toy aisle at the local country store with young Amish girls dressed in long black winter cloaks that made them look like graceful crows.

I admired the industry and cheerfulness of the Amish girls who sold my family strawberries and cider from makeshift roadside markets.

I do not understand who could kill a little Amish girl.

Police in Lancaster County, Penn., say Charles Carl Roberts IV did, that he lined a wall with little Amish girls and then proceeded to shoot them all.

And because he did that -- violated one of the "worlds" that has always been the most gentle, peaceful and sacrosanct to me -- I no longer believe there is a safe spot left in the world.

But I know that the Amish I have been blessed to known will find a safe spot -- the place of faith, forgiveness and simplicity that has long allowed them to be in the world, but not of it.


at 11:49 AM, October 04, 2006 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story is particularly scary because of the randomness. This man chose this school simply because it was close. It makes me worry that it couldn't just be a school somewhere else, it could be MY child's school...just because some crazy man lives next to it.

The world just keeps getting sadder and sadder.

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