KY school testing: Thumbs up to Draud

Kentucky Education Secretary Jon Draud, who left his state House seat in Northern Kentucky a few months ago to take the job, deserves kudos for a smart, thoughtful response to all the political jockeying and lobbying taking place.
He said Tuesday (detailed here in Pat Crowley's story) that he will form a task force that not only will examine testing but might also look at enhancing the state's 18-year-old education reform act.
Sometimes creating a task force is the political way to send hot issues to freeze to death. That's not so in this case. An important debate has started, but no one appears to know enough at this point to make the best decisions. I don't think it's hype to say there's no issue more important to Kentucky's future.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Gov. Beshear today came out flatly against the bill to replace the state's current testing system. Click here.
The real question is why are politicians making decisions about scientific matters like the best test to use?
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