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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

A 17-year-old's first vote

"Vote!" said the sticky note left on the inside of my front door this morning.

It was my 17-year-old daughter's reminder to herself, as if she'd forget.

Jessa has been waiting for months to take part in her first election, and neither rain nor snow nor having to get up early was going to stand in her way.

There are certain moments in a parent's life when the past rewinds in front of your face. I could swear it was only last year when Jessa was standing beside me, hip-high, at the voting booth as I explained the process, or helping me set up a Kids Voting booth at our precinct so she and her second-grade friends could "vote."

And then today she was off to the polls before I was, voting for a candidate about whom she feels passionate and able to articulate her reasons as well as anyone I know.

"Your daughter was already here," the poll workers told me when I signed in at my precinct. We exchanged a smile. That, after all these years, was the point.


at 2:54 PM, March 04, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for your daughter! My 14-year-old granddaughter can't wait to become old enough to vote. My older grandchildren (ages 18 and 20), with much encouragement from me, are voting for the first time today. Their ancestors fought and some died for the right to vote. If they continue to believe that voting is a privilege and a responsibility, that passion and excitement will continue. The future of our country depends on it.

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