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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

It's McCain

Was there any doubt? John McCain was declared the winner everywhere Tuesday night almost as soon as the polls closed.

The Arizona senator is the Republican nominee for president, having won the required 1,191 delegates. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee conceded – finally.

So in November it will be McCain against – somebody.


at 8:47 AM, March 05, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disappointed that Barack Hussein Obama won big in Hamilton County while Hillary Clinton won big in the counties of Warren Butler and Clermont. It's obvious that the people of Hamilton County are easily led.

While Huckabee is the obvious choice as a real conservative,
McCain would make a good president IF he keeps his word so far.

Hillary is just another word for Bill. She does lean a little bit conservative but will kill us with tax hikes and free entitlements. Still, and I'm choking on this, she will make a BETTER president than Obama. After all, she was co-president when Slick Willie supposedly ran the show. It's interesting that he could be "first lady." Another chapter in his sexual playbook.

Elect McCain so we don't have to hear anymore about the Clinton saga.

at 11:16 AM, March 05, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yipee ! Now who do conservatives vote for?

Conservatives are losers for the next four years. Doesn't matter which liberal is elected, whether its McCain, Clinton, or Obama. Conservatives need to rebuild as we did during the Liberal Carter administration.

at 12:27 PM, March 05, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you believe a word that McCain has to say which contradicts his voting record, when he has a 30 year history of legislative liberal policy?

Campaign pandering is not how McCain will operate as president. You're silly to think otherwise.

What has McCain accomplished?
-He has blocked conservative judges from the supreme court.
-He passed the debacle of McCain/Feinstein campaign funding reform that gave us Move On Dot Org and Swift Boats.
-He voted to legalize 20MM illegals and did not want to secure the borders.
-He voted to stop tough prisoner interogations (water boarding) that were providing valuable intelligence while our prinsoners are tortured and beheaded.
He votes in favor of gay "marriages".

For 30 years in office, what positive accomplishment has McCain to show for his efforts? He was part of Keating 5 but skated prosecution and he hypocrytically favors lobbyists, even if he does not sleep with each one.

McCain is the worst of bad politicians. If his lips are moving he is lying.

at 12:51 PM, March 05, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well things are apparently done on the Republican side and as this happens it becomes clear again that unless you the voter are willing to go third party in November America will not have any meaningful choice at election time.

McCain and his crew have already started the "it's over, you got to back us now" BS talk. Well John let me tell you this, no I don't. I am sick to death of my country being flushed down the toilet by a bunch of socialist/communist Democrats and their secret RINO agents like you. No matter how many policy issues McCain (allegedly) properly takes, none of this will make up for his repeatedly trying to give away our country to illegal alien criminals.

Now that he is "running" he claims to see the light and has been calling for a harder stance against illegals, well talk is cheap and actions count for everything. It counted when he was just a Senator not running for anything, and it was then he was trying to destroy America from the inside out by aiding and abetting the illegal invasion of America. There is no doubt if elected he will revert back to his true ways as displayed over the last few years in the Senate. McCain is a lying sack that deserves nothing but contempt not support and votes.

I call on all my conservative brothers and sisters to stand strong and not back this RINO, nomination or not. If the bulk of the party gets behind McCain history will repeat itself and it will be just like 1996 with Bob Dole all over again.

at 1:00 PM, March 05, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bill Clinton may have a lot of problems and shortcomings, but lack of political acumen and leadership skills aren't among them. No one was more appalled and angry than I was at the Monica Lewinsky nonsense but bear in mind that sexual indiscretion is only in the 1st Circle of Dante's Hell: that's because it's such an understandable human failing. The Ninth or lowest Circle, however, is for traitors and the disloyal. Check the current White House - outing CIA agents, throwing California struggling small businesses to the dogs in an energy crisis inspired by their insider advantages given to Enron, and on and on, and on.
As to national security, sexual indiscretion from a savvy old dog like Bill who, I'm sure sleeps with one eye open, is a lot less threatening than leadership by a "recovered" alcoholic. No insult, just fact. It's often said that he's a great guy to have a beer with - in fact, he's someone you CAN'T have a beer with - therein lies a danger. Understand?

Also, did you miss the story about Republican crossover voting in the Warren, Butler, and Clermont? They think that Hillary is less electable than Obama so they're trying to have her be pitted against McCain. Sounds like Hamilton County Democrats just voted in a straightforward way for the candidate they thought might be best. Who'd a thought?!

at 10:56 PM, March 06, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious to read these neo-cons trashing McCain. Can the long-awaited final disintegraton of the Republican party be at hand? With Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham et al. leading the lemmings off the cliff, hope soars.

at 3:28 PM, March 07, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

When i voted for taft and dewine, i held my nose and voted for my last rino.
I'll never vote for McCain.
I want a declared socialist/liberal Like Clinton or Obama leading the socialist movement.

at 8:51 AM, March 08, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous (March 5, 2008, 1 PM)

Though you chose to remain anonymous it was a nice try.
Bush is over the alcohol but Clinton isn't over his running around. Rupert Murdock will shortly release another "handful" of Slick Willie's "playmates.

And if George Walker Bush and William Jefferson Clinton agreed to see a major league game you could always find GWB in his seat interested in the game. Clinton would spend most of his time looking for, well, you know.

at 10:12 AM, March 10, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

the republican party met their leadership demise when they controlled the presidentcy and both houses of congress. Then, they proceeded to run the government at the direction of Harry Reid and Pollosi, just like true socialist. Present day republicans are not conservatives.

at 6:50 AM, March 11, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

My last comment was apparently vetted and censored and I have no problem with that although it didn't have colorful language or anything else but a very acidic opinion about the worthlessness of Rupert Murdoch's journalism and general lifestyle vis-a-vis his personal life - just like the other comments about Bill Clinton. So...there; perhaps this is more palatable for the general readership. IMO and point of fact, Rupert Murdoch is a disgrace to journalism, and is a manipulative ideologue.


at 8:58 AM, March 11, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did not realize that Rupert Murdoch was a writer. I do believe he is a publisher. I don't think he even serves on editorial boards. He's too busy making money. But he does control and own the minds of all his writers and readers/viewers.

at 6:48 AM, March 12, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last poster:

You're right. And just wait to see what happens if, in fact, he has his way with the Wall Street Journal; a respectable, "conservative" (something that has more definitions than I can keep track of these days: one for each person, I think) paper with which you can presently educate yourself AND disagree! Amazing and fading away.

at 6:57 AM, March 12, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...


Would that be the baseball stadium which George Bush obtained by using government subsidy in the form of tax breaks, and also by exercising eminent domain to get some of the property at fire sale prices? Since his team, like most other professional sports teams never turned a profit on its own, perhaps his little knitted, confused eyebrows would actually be reflecting his thinking about where the next helping of charity for corporations would be coming from.

at 11:48 AM, March 13, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 1/5, 1:00: Sexual indiscretion is an "understandable human failure"? FYI, belittling a relationship with a loved one is the highest form of disloyalty and betrayal. You'll know this if it happens to you. The alleged hierarchy of hell won't matter, you'll be in your own.

at 12:53 PM, March 14, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I hear Ron Paul's still running. Let's get all the Democrats in the country to cross over and vote Republican in the remaining primaries, vote for Paul, and give the Republicans a bit of their own medicine, lol

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