Tasteless introduction to Cincinnati
Rob Portman told the crowd he was glad Bill Cunningham was lending his voice to warm up a Memorial Hall crowd for Tuesday’s John McCain rally. It was definitely a sub prime loan and Portman should have known better.
McCain showed class by repudiating Cunningham’s disparaging remarks about Barack Obama. The Republican frontrunner wasn’t on the stage when Cunningham was spewing and said he didn’t hear him speak and said he had never met the man. Still, said McCain, it’s his campaign and he would take responsibility for it. “I will not tolerate anything in this campaign that denigrates either Sen. Obama or Sen. (Hillary) Clinton,’’ McCain told reporters.
Most people in Cincinnati are familiar with Cunningham’s brand of thoughtless bombast. He never debates when he can insult. But it’s an unfortunate first impression for McCain to take away from our community. It’s also unfortunate that the clip of Cunningham making snide remarks about Obama’s middle name, Hussein, and calling him a “hack” will be played over and over in the national media. It will be a great boon to the city’s reputation for civility.
What Cunningham said was stupid. What was worse was the way so many people accept it. From Portman, to many of those responding to our online discussion board, to Hamilton County Prosecutor (and local party heavyweight) Joe Deters.
“Bill does this kind of thing a lot at Republican events, and we’re used to hearing it,’’ Deters said. That’s too bad.
Compared to what Democrats and liberals say about Pres Bush, VP Cheney, this is mild. What's the big deal? I'm with Deters.
Oh, so now the Enquirer is offended by the incivility of Bill Cunningham, eh?
Shall we discuss some of Peter Bronson's past comments?
Sept 14, 2006 - (The Democratic Party) was carjacked by lunatics who think 9/11 was a Bush conspiracy and the world was a happier place when Saddam was still filling mass graves like landfills.
May 24, 2002 - The Democrats and (the New York) Times editorial writers are secretly working for Osama bin Laden... His top terrorists could not do more to divide and demoralize our country.
Aug 15, 2006 - "Once upon a time there was an elephant that had a long memory, and a forgetful donkey. The elephant never forgot the day the hyenas attacked, but the donkey pretended the bloodthirsty hyenas didn't exist... In the end, the hyenas ate all the animals in the zoo, starting with the donkey."
You want to bring some civility to Cincinnati? Then discontinue Peter Bronson's column.
I am not a writer so I hope I don't make a fool out of myself by trying to match comments because that is not my intention. I see a bigger problem. I have heard this comment used to discribe Cincinnati. Cincinnati is either the most northen southern city or the most southern northern city. Today we looked like a bunch of hillbillies that wanted to make fun of a black guy because his middle name is Hussian.
I also think that this whole deal is why I don't want to vote this time. Why is it us against them. Why can we not just find out what people stand for and vote on that. You know and old baseball term since we are getting close to opening day is you are only as good as the back of your baseball card. As you said that is what we expect from Bill. I personally listen to his show everyday to laugh. I love it when he makes fun of the Big Media, and the little stuff he and Sag come up with. I will tune in tomorrow. If they(meaning McCain) did not want those kind of comments then they should not have invited him. He lived up to his baseball card.
This city sure takes a beating.
The simple reason Conservatives support Bill Cunningham is that he vocally stands up for and states his case for conservative values and policy. The reason Liberals and Rino's like McCain will never like Cunningham is that he won't capitulate to the Liberals' Socialistic demands, policies, double standards, and mediocrity.
David Wells it never was a mystery where your loyalties lie. Thank you for clearly exemplifying your position.
I’m glad that Obama will trounce McCain in the general election. I want a Liberal taking charge and responsibility for the results of the nations’ lurch further into socialism. May Allah help us all.
You know, when Air America Radio was on here briefly, I regularly listened to Al Franken in the car. After a very short period of time, I began to realize that ALL of the current talk radio shows are inflammatory. Even though Franken was consistently factual and had great interviews with investigative journalists, and whereas the likes of Cunningham and the odious drug addict, Rush Limbaugh, are simply mean spirited cheerleaders, nonetheless, I got tired of the low class posturing.
I decided that I would continue to do my own research, read everything in mainstream media and beyond (books, magazine article analyses and more) and come to my own conclusions. I have a computer, obviously, making this much easier, but indispensable considering our polarized reportage. There is no easy way to stay constantly informed in a democracy but it must be done. Falling back on high school pep rally nonsense is the Devil's own workshop; the faces around the Hall were pleased when they should have registered displeasure if they were at all interested in civility. I don't know John McCain but I know politicians and I suspect that he doesn't mind having his cake and eating too.
The bravest, most skeptical among us have been the surviving loved ones of the World Trade Center tragedy: those widows were able, while grieving, to separate fact from fiction only to be broadsided by that ignorant (truly) cheerleader, Ann Coulter (check her background sometime and compare her to Monica Crowley for instance). Hideous. These people are hideous self promoters.
To: 1:46 AM, this is 8:40 AM -
Your comments are swell. Never worry about how you put them out there - if people are inclined to listen, they will!
I also found/find talk radio more amusing than threatening, but you never know who it's going to have an affect on, who may not have our ;} wonderful senses of humor.
I'm half hillbilly and half Arab-American - can you imagine! I like to say that my life is an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies.
McCain is the reason 10-20% of traditional Republican voters will sit out the 2008 election. Look for a democratic landslide in the general election.
Conservatives are done with the Rino(s). The likes of hagel, mccain, dewine, vonovich, snow, etc never delivered when they had control of congress. Why vote for individuals that campaign as conservatives but legislate as liberals and moderates?
Where did David Wells get the idea that Cincinnati has a reputation for "civility"? After having lived in major cities like Washington D.C and New York before coming here to "the queen city", I can tell you that this city really doesn't have much of a reputation outside of the city limits. Its reputation for lack of sophistication, an arrested high school mentality (ever notice that people here answer the question "where did you go to school?" with their high school instead of college, like "Willies" Deer Park HS?) is continually reinforced by this small market nobody? From a local political standpoint, yesterdays episode was pure genius, because "Willie" will always be embraced by his narrow constituency, like Farrakhan and Sharpton, no matter how stupid they sound. No doubt WLW is giving attaboys to this clown.
David Wells,
You are wrong on this topic. Willie did the same "opening act" as many politicians and speakers do thruout the years. Remember the Wellstone memorial, now THAT was over the edge. Not Willie. Rethink your thoughts on this and we'll be waiting for your futher comments.
What Willie did was no worse than our "beloved" WLW TV does daily. They refer to President Bush as "Mr. Bush" not giving any credence to his title. Senator Obama and Clinton desreve their title the same as our President. Willie was disrespectful, but no more than WLW news casters.
David, where is your indignant reaction when Senators and Representatives deride the current adminsitration members in the most slanderous, libelous ways?
They say things that ought to get them put in jail for treason, yet you never react.
But my God, Cunningham spoke Obama's middle name. Execute him, David.
You are a hippocrite of the worst variety, Wells.
Why bring race into the discussion by suggesting Cunningham was against a "black guy"? Cunningham was jabbing at Barack Hussein Obama and his wife's anti American policies, comments (for the first time in my life, I’m a proud American), and rhetoric.
Muslims are black, white, yellow, etc. Insinuating that Cunningham is a racist, only displays your own prejudices. Cunningham is color blind and only wants what is best for ALL freedom loving capitalists in America. Try listening to his actual words and not his critics distortions.
Bill Cunningham is a blight on our community just like the right wing conservative freaks are a blight on the GOP. The party has no chance for reconciliation with the infighting and fearmongering. It's sad to see my fathers party die off this way when many good people used to be involved with the GOP. I know how it feels to be ashamed of your country. I have felt like a person without a country living in America during the last 8 years. Proudly I will be voting for Obama in the fall and waiving a flag when he moves into the White House.
Dear Enquirer:
What do all these links have in common (and numerous more)? You reatedly refer to Hillary as Hillary RODHAM Clinton. She has not been using RODHAM in her campaign material, campaign website , etc. But you criticize Cunningham for using Obama's middle name of Hussein.
Why do we have to tiptoe around his middle name but presidents have been referred by their middle names since the founding of this country?
Enquirer... Pot, meet kettle. (Oh wait, that might not be PC to say also).
Cunningham, Rush and most of the others on talk radio whether left or right on the political spectrum are blow hard windbags. They project heat and never illuminate regardless what topic they're talking about. Cunningham especially is an embarassment to all except die hard conservatives.
I consider myself an independent but most often have voted pro life for prez and congressmen.
This year thank goodness we're going to have two very good choices and hopefully a lot less BS than previous yrs. I like McCain, but even tho he's not pro choice I would consider Obama.
Either will be an improvement over past 2 prezs - Bush and Clinton. Both have been terrible.
Living in Butler county for the past 15 yrs this may be the first time I vote straight Dem. ticket for county officials. Repubs have turned out to be arrogant and corrupted.
Here are a few notes I took while listening to Cinci radio this morning on the drive into work.
Was McCain introduced as John "Sidney" McCain?
I can just see Willie jumping up and down shouting "Hooray for John Sidney McCain".
Who thinks a middle name makes the man? It sure don't -- I gotta cool one.
This is ridiculous. There are plenty of important issues connected to Obamamania that scare me -- his "Spiritual Leader", his Church, his socialist plans and connections; but his middle name does not.
And as usual, the only thing that impresses me about Cunningham is his ability to still spout racist and xenophobic crap with foot firmly inserted in mouth.
If the "base" of my party was Willie Cunningham, I would either leave it or find a way to eject the mouth of Cinci.
No wonder we don't do well outside "our" white-bread demographic.
How did Willie the Mouth get on that stage, anyway? We got no black 'pubs anybody respects anymore? Yeah, that's the guy I want talkin' to America for me.
I heard The Mouth of Cinci on Jim Scott this morning and the exact quote was "well, they (the Media) call Bush, Cheney, etc... everything but a WHITE MAN...".
There was a little skip of silence and and I swear I almost heard Jim Scott choke. I wonder if he didn't throw up a little in his mouth.
I'm thinkin' 700 doesn’t put THAT in a podcast or transcript. I'm a-bettin' they LOSE that one.
What an idiot. If the 'pubs lose, a part of it may be that the general public thinks that all conservatives are like that puke.
Think Progress catches Cunningham in a flip-flop:
Defending his widely condemned comments about Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), conservative radio host Bill Cunningham contradicted himself within a matter of minutes yesterday on Fox News’s Hannity and Colmes about whether he refers to Obama as a “Manchurian candidate”:
CUNNINGHAM: And the Daley — the Daley political machine gave us this — this stealth candidate, this Manchurian candidate. We don’t know who in the heck he is. I’d like to know more about Obama.
CUNNINGHAM: No, I did not concur with any caller. I do not believe Barack Hussein Obama is a terrorist or a Manchurian candidate. I do believe we know nothing about this guy from the Daley political machine.
You can watch the clip of Cunningham at the link above.
Liberals rejoice that we have the choice of two liberal candidates in the general election this year, McCain or Obama. Good times are here again!
Here's the contrast: William F. Buckley died today and carried the Conservative (Big C) movement through the wilderness. However, conservatives (small c) like Willie cunningham seem to have highjacked an entire party.
Among other things, Cunningham preaches personal accountability for our actions. Yet he cannot make the connection that he has been "thrown under the bus" for a reason.
Maybe he belongs there.
Why is everyone so concerned about what the "national media" thinks about Cincinnati? Do you really think anyone who saw the story yesterday even remembers where it happened today? Do you think anyone will be planning a summer vacation to see the slave museum this summer (ha) and decide not to come now because a talk show host said someone was a hack? Relax people, nobody will remember any of this by next week.
Life in America is SO good that we are left to complain about this SILLY topic. Many people in other parts around the world are searching for food or water to survive and we complain about foolish political names. Shame on us. This individual behavior is the reason why America has a questionable reputation in the international community, nothing else. Let's all grow up and be proud Americans and respectfully debate the important political issues.
Change, Change, Change.
Obama for Change over Hillary.
Change, Change, Change.
That's as close as Cunningham's fans are going to get to victory this year.
There's one way to fix all of this. Vote for Mike Huckabee. :)
Since no one chooses their name, gender or race, using something like that as ammunition in any sort of contest isn't really intelligent. Who knew 35-odd years ago that the name "Hussein" would be reviled today? What does anyone's name have to do with anything? How ignorant is that? Pretty ignorant, frankly. Good grief, Bill "Willie" Cunningham has the same first name as former President Clinton, so what does THAT mean, eh??? Is he made of the same character, then? Should we hate him, run him out of town, wish all sorts of awful things on him, merely because his parents decided to call him William? So what's in a name, Cunningham?
If you don't like a candidate, don't vote for him. Period. Huckabee gets my vote, and I hope he will get yours, too. Let's give him the chance to debate (he has asked McCain to do so, as reported on CNN's news site today, and I'd love to see it) and then people can hear what he has to say, and decide for themselves. Unless there's a problem with "Michael", too...maybe because of Michael Jackson?
Now how stupid is THAT?
I could care less about Obama's middle name, his gender, or his 'race'. It's his political stance I don't like. Huckabee, I like. So I'm voting for him.
Lest we forget the joy the liberals had in referring to Richard MILHOUS Nixon!
Willie for Prez
It's refreshingly nice to see voters across the country are rejecting the divisive Limbaughs, Hannitys and Clintons and voting for John McCain and Barack Obama.
As a Republican-leaning independent, I will vote for Barack Obama if he is the Democratic nominee running against John McCain but I will not vote for Hillary Clinton.
If experience may be relied upon to judge the character of our next president and their ability to deliver "solutions" then let's look at the records of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
In 1979 while Barack Obama was actively involved in the South African divestment movement to end apartheid, Hillary was reaping profits of almost 10,000% in the futures markets and leaving taxpayers with her real-estate losses in the Savings & Loan bailout.
In 1989 while Barack Obama served as the Harvard Law Review's first black president, Hillary Clinton then wife of the Arkansas governor was receiving payments from a law firm that was doing the state's business and receiving board of director payments from Wal-Mart where she remained silent about Wal-Mart's anti-labor union practices.
In 1999 while Barack Obama was securing bipartisan support for health-care reform and passage of low-income tax credits and child care subsidies in the Illinois legislature, Hillary Clinton was urging her husband to bomb Yugoslavia and supporting his Iraq "regime change" policy in order to divert public attention from the president's marital, legal and ethical infidelities.
In Hillary Clinton's eight (8) years in the Senate, the Congressional Record (www.thomas.gov) shows she "sponsored" only two (2) pieces of legislation that were presented to the president for signature. The first piece of legislation (S. 1241) was to establish a historic site in New York state, the second (S. 3613) was to name a U.S. Postal Service building.
When did Hillary Clinton ever deliver health-care reform and when did she demonstrate her economic wisdom and foresight while Alan Greenspan was warning of irrational exuberance as the subprime housing loans were created and pandered during her husband's administration and her husband supported NAFTA and China's entry into the World Trade Organization without any conditions such as protecting the environment or labor and property rights to levels that are comparable to western standards?
Today China is not only a leading contributor to environmental pollution and global warming (thank you very much Mr. Nobel Laureate, Al Gore), it's also pushing up oil and other commodity prices, taking our jobs and stealing our intellectual property.
The Clintons were the only ones to benefit from Hillary Clinton's personal agenda whereas the public benefited from Barack Obama's public accomplishments,
It is appropriate to refer to Hillary as Hillary "Rodham" Clinton. This is how she has referred to herself since before her husband became president. Barack Obama does not use his middle name, so why should we? Most people, including politicians, do not use their middle names. Cunningham had a reason for using Barack's middle name and it had nothing to do with etiquette.
This ridiculousness of this whole issues comes not from whether it's right to use his middle name or playing the race card or whatever. The ridiculousness is in the insinuation that Obama has a connection with Saddam Hussein. Whatever. Bronson and Cunningham exist only to incite the rabid dogs on both sides of the aisle. Little good do they do society and discourse.
Well, believe it or not, Cunningham and Bronson speak eloquently for many, many of us...
I know that is not what you want to hear or believe.
Believe it.
I am glad that they are both there to represent us.
Neither Cunningham or Bronson are ever eloquent. They just release unfiltered and ill or non-researched opinions. I do not believe they should be canceled. I need to get my daily reminder of personal superiority from somewhere, hehe.
"at 11:17 AM, February 28, 2008 Blogger John said..."
John, if you are a "republican-leaning" independent, why does a far left liberal suddenly seem appealing?
I hope you aren't one of those hypocritical liberals that portraying themselves as "disgruntled republicans" fakes. You smell just like one with the click and paste love fest for Barack H. Obama.
Liberals have been calling Bush everything but white for 8 years with FAR, FAR, FAR more hatred speech. Hypocrites.
Knowing the Enquirer's tendency to misrepresent the facts (ex., the “boomerang bullet” description of Timothy Thomas as having been shot (in the chest) while “fleeing police”), I decided to listen myself to what Bill Cunningham said at the McCain rally. By my count, he referenced “Obama” once, “Barack” once, “Barack Hussein Obama” three times, and “Barack Obama” three times. He said Obama wanted to use “Kumbaya” diplomacy on Muslim terrorists as well as on North Korea's Communist dictator (not just the former), and he called Obama a hack Chicago politician. He gave as much time to criticizing other Democrats, and he repeatedly put the “cheese on the cracker” about rampant media liberal bias. I suspect that last thing's what really got him into trouble. Come on Enquirer, report the facts.
To: 12:53PM:
Did you just say, "called him everything but white"???? Whew! You're a nasty one, aren't you?
I guess this is because of the anonymity of blogging, but I didn't even think that that implied racist statement was in anyone's arsenal anymore. More to the point, calling Bush "white" would hardly improve the reality of his performance.
Having just returned to Cincinnati, I realized in my gut just now, that I am indeed in "the belly of the beast" once again.
First off, Air America is dead. It never really even happened.
Bill Cunningham, whom I've never really liked much, can say ANYTHING he wants about Senators Hillary Rodham Clinton AND Barack Hussein Obama. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is being said about Bush and Cheney so Cunningham is just keeping the playing field even as far as I'm concerned.
As for John McCain, he'll probably get beaten by a landslide in the general election. I just don't see him beating Obama, who could sell America the chrome off a trailer hitch. Real smooth talker. Obama easily leads those who are easily lead. And Hillary Clinton has alreay been co-president with hubby William Jefferson Clinton, who was impeached and had an easy run. All his problems were brought on by his own misbehavior.
The Bush and Clinton families have run America the last 20 years. You want change? Romney and Huckabee were the only answers and Huckabee doesn't stand a chance. No matter who wins this historic election, America still loses.
How can anyone believe that Cincinnati is NOT racist? That's like believing in the Tooth Fairy; it simply doesn't exist.
Everyone who lives here knows this is a racist town. Whites hate blacks, blacks hate whites, and the browns are misfits of genetics on both sides, especially if they do their best to assimilate into society. They are still told to "remember your place" and "don't be uppity"...are you "black enough"...wait a minute, I thought assimilation was what you all WANTED? ONE nation, under God?
So this entire idea of racial harmony is a lie; what this city is really facing is an all-out culture war, where only one race is allowed, and the other is removed. God help us all.
Anon 9:31 AM.........you write as a true racist and expert on racism. Please inform me what side I'm suppose to be on. I have native american, white, and black blood in my ancestry. Is there a place for me in your racist world?
9:31 what's your point? By census data blacks are taking over as the majority race within the city of cincinati.
Percent African American of Total Population
27.6% 1970
33.9% 1980
37.9% 1990
42.8% 2000
In your race war does this mean blacks have won? I don't know what a racist thinks. Please inform.
6:42 and 9:26: I'm the 9:31 poster.
You both actually are sharing my disgust over the fact that race should be a factor at all. I'm sick of this culture war and I'm sick of the hatred from both sides over something as uncontrollable and trivial as a person's complexion.
6:42, you and I share a similar ancestry, although not an identical one, and therefore a similar dilemma. Where indeed do we stand? Why do we get shoved in one box due to our outsides when we do not fit that box on our insides?
The comments I wrote of were all comments made to me personally. The first two were from former employers, and the third was from a former friend. These are not hypothetical statements, they are actual statements made to me. So when I say the hatred comes from both sides, it's because I've seen it firsthand.
People always ask me, "What are you?" First of all, how rude of a question! And secondly, when I answer them with my cultural heritage (and what is on my birth certificate), they want to argue with me, as if they knew my parents and grandparents and I didn't...how dare they!
9:26, you support the simple fact that 6/7 of this world is comprised of people with a darker hue than ivory, yet many are shoved into a box they may not necessarily belong in. There is so much more to this world than just "black" and "white", and many of the "black" people in your numbers are actually multiracial but shoved in the "black" box due to the idiotic 'one-drop' rule and the pressures of society. They are denied the right to celebrate their full heritage because of the very hate factor I'm railing against.
And now we have such assininity in this city as to rail against a person's name? To what depth will we sink in this evil?
I'm not a racist. I'm a staunch anti-racist who is sick and tired of this region and the culture war. I'm not a "white" American or a "black" American or a "mixed" American or anything else but an AMERICAN. It's time to drop the hyphens and the forced culture boundaries and truly be ONE NATION of Americans. Only united will we be able to stand; united as one American people with respect for each other and no limitations to our individual possibilities based on complexion. That was, and is, my point.
This culture war and the racism, the forcing of multicultural people into a stereotypical box, and the hatred of all things complexionally different, from all sides, MUST STOP.
Just a couple of random corrections:
Re: Air America. It's available in many other places and on XM Satellite. It just didn't make it here in the echo chamber of the "land that time forgot" or as Mr. Bush says, in his carefully exaggerated southern drawl, "yer mah base".
"ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is being said about Bush and Cheney". Very true but this is after their track record exists. We can see the results and they stink. Ah for the good old days of tar and feathers! It gets the point across but is so much more forgiving than public execution as some of our less enlightened planetary neighbors will exact for thieves of any stripe. However, to emphasize the middle name of someone who is merely running for office is....prejudicial! Judging BEFORE knowing!
Re: "By census data blacks are taking over as the majority race within the city of cincinati." "Taking over" is incorrect. "Abandoned" is accurate since their population numbers are not increasing significantly by race. and there was white flight beginning significantly after the riots of 1968. It's a matter of choosing how you will live. Stay and face some difficult times and lend your efforts and caring, or cut and run (sound familiar?)
Minor points, I'm sure, but the Devil is in the details.
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