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Friday, March 21, 2008

Krauthammer missed Obama's point

Charles Krauthammer, perennially one of the most popular syndicated columnists the Enquirer runs on its Opinions page according to informal reader surveys, dismissed Barack Obama’s speech on racism as equivocating sophistry.

If Obama really disagreed with the hateful words of his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, he should have left Wright’s flock and publicly denounced the man as soon as the words were uttered, Krauthammer reasoned in Friday’s paper.

I usually respect the intellectual force Krauthammer brings to is commentary, but in this case it seems clear to me that he went looking for justification of his own bias in Obama’s speech, rather than an explanation of the senator’s position. I believe Obama’s speech was a remarkable description of the racial divides in this country. He was trying to get us to see the other sides of those divides in an attempt to understand our differences. But according to Krauthammer, if you don’t hate “them” you can’t be a friend to “us.” He ignored the fact that Obama condemned Wright’s offensive words as distortions that “denigrate both the greatness and the goodness of our nation; that rightly offend white and black alike.” Instead, Krauthammer condemned Obama for continuing to love the good things he knows about Wright – his support of the poor, his assistance to the sick and homeless, his preaching of self-reliance.

Timothy Leonard, a regular contributor to the Enquirer’s Letters to the Editor columns, posed a question to Krauthammer’s column with a submission Friday. This letter will appear in print Saturday:

Charles Krauthammer says Barack Obama should have left his church when he knew the pastor made hateful and untruthful statements about the United States Government. Does that mean all Catholics must leave their church because their bishops covered up priests' crimes against children, or that all Jews must abandon their religion because Israel bulldozes the homes of Palestinians?

"Jewish and Christian prophets have always said harsh things against their own people. It is part of the religious experience: sometimes good, sometimes bad. Obama demonstrated his understanding of that in a speech that reminded me of Lincoln's Second Inaugural: ‘with malice toward none; with charity for all ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in.’ ”

Well said.


at 11:42 AM, March 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've already blogged too much today, so I'm going to take a not very thoughtful cheap potshot and be done: Krauthammer is a neocon jerk right up there with Wolfowitz, Feith, et al. but with only words not the power of the Pentagon money. They're all ideological water carriers. And more's the shame since being a wordsmith he knows full well what Obama was trying to say and so deliberately distorts to make his score.

at 12:46 PM, March 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a new name for hate speech ... Liberation Theology.
Thanks Obama!

at 12:48 PM, March 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please pay attention ONLY to what I tell you in the last 10 minutes; and ignore my piror 47 years body of work.
Vote For Change..Yes We Can !
....Mr. Barack Obama

at 2:18 PM, March 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

todays question:

why should god bless america?

mccains and other neocons response:

he shouldn't.

sound's remarkably the same as pastor wrights preaching but perhaps with a little more hate and self loathing thrown in.

at 3:27 PM, March 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Add Ken Blackwell to the list of right-wingers who are trying to smear Obama:

On Glenn Beck, Ken Blackwell stated of Sen. Barack Obama: "Here is a guy who basically said that, while he was in Reverend [Jeremiah] Wright's church, he embraces [Nation of Islam founder] Louis Farrakhan." In fact, Obama has called himself "a consistent denunciator of Louis Farrakhan," which neither Beck nor Blackwell noted.

at 4:08 PM, March 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 3:27 PM, March 21

Barack Obama HAS to denounce "Reverend" Wright's racial and anti-American slurs.
Barack Obama HAS to denounce Louis Farrakhan.

Barack Obama is running for the office of President of the United States. HE HAS TO DENOUNCE.

Oh my God. He's running for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!

at 5:40 PM, March 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Reverend" Wright's racial and anti-American slurs.

actually, its time to denounce fox news, rush limbaugh, ann coulter, bill oreilly, sean hannity, etc.

take the time and listen to the whole sermon. its harsh but its reality. i find the right wing preachers like falwell, hagee, robertson, and that prosperity gospel guy a lot more offensive than the reverend wright.

krauthammer is nothing more than a right wing kool aid drinker. he has been blessed with the gift of writing and wastes it defending right wing wackjob philosophy which is bereft of value.

at 7:33 AM, March 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an independent it saddens me the venemous comments that come from folks on the zelous right and left in this country.

Look at the posts - cheap shots by both sides, demonize those that don't believe as you do.

What both Barak Obama and John McCain recognize is that it's time for Americans to work together and solve problems and not continually go for the jugular.

I like Krauthammer's columns - he comes from a conservative point of view but also a logical point of view. However in his comments about Mr. Obama I think he's overall off the mark. Barak's speech needed to be said and can be a building block hopefully for better race relations.

As to Mr. Leonard's comments - Unfortunately many Catholics did leave the Church over the Priest abuse scandal. However the comarison isn't accurate to the Wright controversy. The evil that was done by some priests was done in secret and in some cases enabled by some bishops. From the pulpit tho this Catholic has never heard the kind of HATE SPEECH voice by Minister Wright.

at 7:46 AM, March 22, 2008 Blogger Rich Leonardi said...

"Well said" if your premise is the caricature of religion provided by the New York Times. In any event, the two views of Judaism and Catholicism presented by Mr. Leonard reflect abuses of those religions. Yet what is at issue with Jeremiah Wright, and thus Mr. Obama, is a core belief, specifically "black liberation theology," and how it led Wright to spend week after week spewing hatred from the pulpit while Obama sat with the congregation. Here is James Cone, whom Wright asserts as an authority on this "theology":

Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community ... Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.

at 8:44 AM, March 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one woman/man poster campaign for anti-neocon is a bore. Do you realize how monotonously silly you write. Writing the same response 100 times does not validate your rambling opinion. Move On !

at 9:00 AM, March 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about Cool Aid drinkers, I continue to be amazed at how the “skeptical” press continues to give Obama a pass as his messianic campaign hurtles towards the presidency.  The reverend Wright stated, in a sermon, that “white” America created the HIV virus to kill “people of color”.  This wasn’t a rational grievance being discussed from the pulpit.  This was a vile, vicious, lie!  What possible message could a high school aged African American youth take from hearing this bile?  Sermons like this only increase the racial divide and enable black rage to be passed down from generation to generation.  Krauthammer got Obama’s speech 100% right.  I’m not surprised that white liberals, drowning in “white” guilt, would view his speech as “courageous”, “nuanced”, and “liberating”.  From my perspective his speech was terrible.  How he could equate the private concerns of his aged Grandmother to the public preaching of the Reverend Wright is breathtaking in its audacity!    You want an honest discussion on race?  The first step would be for white liberals to leave their guilt at the door, African Americans to leave their rage and conspiracy theories at home and for conservative Americans to open their minds.  Without ALL three taking place, there will NEVER be an honest racial dialogue.

at 9:32 AM, March 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

If somebody needs to be DENOUNCED, it's Keith Olbermann. This far left wing nut used to work for Fox and still holds animosity towards them. Nightly rants against Fox on his biased Countdown show on MSNBC
ALWAYS cast Bill O'Reilly and any other conservative as the "world's worst person." Of course O'Reilly has trounced Olbermann in the ratings game for over 7 years.

The main knock against Olbermann is that his show ONLY has guests that are reflective of his own political views. It's like talking to himself in the mirror. There is no BALANCE whatsoever. Countdown
is the TV version of Air America, another far left propaganda network that has so few listeners that it barely survives.

While Limbaugh is heard on over 600radio stations and Hannity, Beck, Savage, O'Reilly and Ingraham are on over 400 the message is clear.
It's too bad a bitter Keith Olbermann can't get past the success of FOX NEWS, his former employer.

at 1:41 PM, March 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take offense with Obama's follow-up comment, re: "The typical white person's" thought processes in descibing his grandmother. I'm no more a typical white person than I am qualified to know what a "typical black person" might be thinking. Insulting and patronizing....who made this guy the final authority on race?

at 3:33 PM, March 22, 2008 Blogger scribbler4 said...

Kudos - Editorial Page Editor David Wells - the editorial observation "Krauthammer missed Obama's point" is squarely on point. It is too bad that Wells' lucid, candid and above all else - rational tone - cannot disinfect the default contrarian dismissive critique by syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer, of Obama's professorial dissertation on "race dynamics" in contemporary America; this in the aftermath of intemperate, inflammatory "fire and brimstone" remarks spewed from a bully's pulpit by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright; Obama's pastor.

Why does Obama, why does anyone, have to bear the burdens of another adult's spewed venom? The sins of the father should be the father's property; without benefit of "quit claim."

Why should an emotionally mature, self-assured parishioner cower; retreat from his "church-home" for political expediency? Separate the chaff from wheat. Break unleavened bread in communion. Do not retreat in the humid fever of a venting theatric preacher, too often, going wild. Do not throw up the checkered flag of "cut and run." Stay the course!

at 12:09 PM, March 23, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here's a sermon http://youtube.com/watch?v=JKUTQJfJIfY

and here's another


Get back to me, Willie Cunningham, and bring a fork for that crow you're going to eat.

at 1:13 PM, March 23, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Krauthammer was completely correct in his analysis of Obama's "speech", of course that is not politically correct, just correct.

Bottom line despite any idiot liberal denial of the facts is this: Obama has not only belonged to a black racist church, he has embraced its leader and his anti-white anti-America philosophy by being married in that church by that same preacher and having his children baptised by him, Obama has also given large amounts of money to that church and has publicly praised his preacher in both word and deed constantly seeking out his "counsel", BUT and its a pretty big BUT, only now when Obama is running for President of the United States and his racist beliefs and activities are coming to light to the general voting public, it is only then that Obama tries to distance himself and denounce his pastor's message of hate that he has done nothing but support for the past 20 years.

Now we are suppose to just eat up this lie because he claims to not support that hate? Well only a brain-damaged fool (of which most liberals are) would believe such garbage in light of the proof to the contrary. Obama's a liar! Anyone supporting this bogus claim by Obama is either too stupid to be allowed to vote, or a willing accomplice to fraud.

at 9:00 AM, March 24, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember Liberals best defensive line, "Its for the Children. Our future Leaders".

Well Obama sat next to his kids in the pews of Wrights Church, for his childrens entire life and permitted them to be assaulted with the racial hate speech of Wright. Is this the leadership you want as president?

at 1:47 PM, March 24, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thank VP Cheney.

I don't have to read this or any other post, newspaper,or anything else ever. i don't care what the facts are, the law is or anything else.

We now have the ultimate solution/response/rejoinder:


at 3:22 PM, March 24, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo Anon 1:47 PM, March 24, 2008 ...spoken like a true progressive. Long live the fluidity of the law, right, and wrong!

at 3:28 PM, March 25, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

The VP of the US on a scheduled tv appearance can only respond "SO" to an obvious question.

In the words of Ring Lardner: "Shut up, he explained."

at 9:20 AM, March 26, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's have a contest to see what the motto of this administration should be:

1. SO
2. Shut up he explained
3. Ubi Est Mei "Where's Mine."

at 11:50 AM, March 26, 2008 Blogger melk said...

"all Jews must abandon their religion because Israel bulldozes the homes of Palestinians?"

This is totally offensive. It's a conflation of "Jews" and "Israel" , The bulldozing, such as it is, is not advocated by a rabbi in a synagogue . It can be seen as a legitimate response by a nation reacting to terrorist attacks. It is not standard Israeli policy and I fail to see any connection
between this and "the Jews". Except in the minds of some people for whom "Israel" and "Jews"
are one and the same. There are many Jews strongly critical of this and other Israeli policies.

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