Walton-Verona shows way to stop dropouts

Check out reporter Bill Croyle's story today about the Walton-Verona school district in Boone County. W-V is consistently one of Kentucky's highest performing school districts. The reasons are strengths in three areas: community commitment, leadership and staff. (While money can't solve all problems, it's also worth noting that the district's residents pay some of the highest local taxes in the state to fund their schools.)
Bill's story describes how W-V hasn't had a single dropout for nine years -- an amazing feat. Much of the credit goes to Larry Davis, a former principal who has the innovative title of "Schools And Families Empowered Agent" for the district. What it means is that he's a wise and caring man who can give personal attention to every student who is at risk. He deals with all manner of personal and academic problems. The dropout record is unmatched by any other high school in the state. But Davis points out he focuses on kids -- not statistics or awards.
The higher incomes and contributions of those who avoid dropping out of school will more than pay Davis' salary. Thumbs up to Larry Davis and Walton-Verona.
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