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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

And people wonder why women don't report rapes

Dexter Ford's trial may show us just how absurdly far the definition of 'consenting adult' can be stretched.

Ford, who is homeless, is charged with the rape of a University of Cincinnati student just beside Taft Road in Avondale. Motorists saw the attack as they drove by and called police. They say the woman is on medication that makes her sleepwalk and was still asleep when they found her after the attack.

Now Ford's attorney said he'll likely use the sleepwalking as Ford's defense. "It goes to consent," he said. "How is he to know she is sleepwalking, if it's a dream 'yes' or a real 'yes'?"

What an insulting and infuriating line of reasoning. Maybe we could use such a defense for rapes of women who are intoxicated, in a coma, on life support. If she can't clearly say no, then the answer must of course be yes.

And certainly the details support the idea of an amorous encounter -- a young college woman, a homeless man, the intimate locale right off an exit ramp for I-71.

Ford has a string of convictions ranging from aggravated arson to possession of drug paraphernalia. I think if he's convicted, he deserves a life sentence, but instead the woman is the one who may end up with one. Ford told police he is HIV-positive.


at 9:02 AM, November 14, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank-you for cutting through the ridiculous and getting to the point in a particularly cutting fashion which underscores the silliness of this defense. How does one who shows such disregard for truth sleep at night. I guess he should take sleep medicine so its not clear whether he said no or yes to the truth.

at 7:25 AM, November 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree with comment. Ford's behavior is, if linked by DNA or I-witness testimony, the sole reason for what should be his dismissal to prison for a at least a decade and until he can't function in anyway to where he takes "advantage" of someone who he seems to think wants to have relations with him on the side of a public grassy berm in November. Sorry to use just one sentence but this defense deserves just one sentence.

at 9:47 AM, November 15, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

CityLink is going to bring in a wave of Dexter Fords for the city to deal with. It's good to know the lawyers are ready and waiting to defend them.

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