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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pat Fischer on the Property Tax Rollback

Continuing The Property Tax Rollback Is The Right Thing To Do

City Council should continue the so-called property tax rollback. It is not actually a "rollback" because citizens still pay the same overall amount of tax. The increase in the property's valuation is simply not included in the tax calculation. Increasing the tax burden on our citizens will only drive more families and businesses out of our city.

Cincinnati has lost too many citizens because of high taxes already. To compete with surrounding cities for population growth, our tax rates must be as close to the nearby municipalities as possible. When that parity is reached, I would reconsider the issue.


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at 1:41 PM, October 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Individual residents (homeowners and renters who pay the property taxes passed on to them through rent) aren't the big winners with the rollback, they're the big losers.

Large corporations avoid paying taxes on their appreciating real estate, depriving the city of income to pursue programs that would increase the quality of life for residents. Those improvements will attract more people to live here. And with more residents, it's more attractive to companies to stay here or locate here because of the large body of qualified workers.

So we're losing hundreds of thousands of dollars in corporate taxes to save an individual $1.39? Pools, police, street improvements, arts funding, expanded recreation programs, parks, we the city residents have had to skimp all those things in order to save Convergys and other companies some money.

at 2:28 PM, October 23, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez Pat, you are so courageous!

So how do you propose to produce savings? Slash $3 million for healthcare centers that serve the poor? Close battered women's shelters? Close swimming pools?

Are these better alternatives to actually making homeowners pay property taxes that reflect the increased values of their homes (at a cost of a whopping $8 annually!)?

You know you support this rollback because it helps large scale developers. Don't pretend otherwise.

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