Hold your nose and keep paying the tab

Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher, facing a tough re-election battle, calls a special session to handle a big item that he says can't wait until 2008 -- a proposal to give tax incentives to draw a $3 billion coal gasification plant to the state. Then he lards up the agenda with items that can, indeed, wait but will play well to potential Republican voters. And some of these items -- such as authorization for Northern Kentucky University to expand much-need dormitory space -- could have been handled during the last session if everyone did the jobs they were elected to do.
The Democrats, who control the House, say the session is too expensive and isn't needed. The session opens Thursday. The House, led by Speaker and failed governor candidate Jody Richards (pictured), adjourns in an hour. The Senate, run by the GOP, stays in session. An expensive, needless court battle now looms. Nothing gets accomplished. Taxpayers keep paying.
Check out this story or Pat Crowley's blog if you want more lurid details.
Caling a special session requires an urgent matter. The urgent matter here for Ernest is his re-election. Ernest wants to use as his campaign fund that $60K per day Kentucky taxpayers put up for the special session costs. Ernest Fletcher IS waste, fraud and abuse. And so is his 'special campaign session' event.
I can’t understand what is going on in the heads of Speaker Jody Richards and the Democrat leadership of the Kentucky House of Representatives. They objected to the special session and complained about its cost, which they pegged at $60,000 per day. The House convened on 7/5/2007 for just one hour and went home. Since they did not adjourn sine die, they are still getting paid their per diem and expenses. As of today (7/16/2007), they have been paid for 12 days at a cost to the taxpayers of $720,000 and they have done nothing to earn their money. What the hell are the House Democrats thinking?
The Republican led Senate did earn some of their money. They took the 65 plus items on the call, lumped them into 5 bills and passed all of them with substantial bipartisan support. They did all of that work in just three days. However, they are still getting paid, too. The Senate could not adjourn sine die because the House didn’t, leaving the taxpayers paying the bill.
People supporting Jody Richards, Larry Clark, Rocky Adkins and Harry Moberly must have something between their ears besides brains to let the Democrats pull stuff like this. Vote them out and get us some Democrat leadership that we can look up to. They are idiots!
Ted Smith
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