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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's Wonderphone!

The setting:
In the car, as my 17-year-old daughter and I run errands:

The dialogue:
Jessa: "Can I talk to you about something?"

Mom (always slightly panicked by such a question): "Sure. . . . "

Jessa: "I know I haven't had my cell phone for all that long. . . . and it's a nice phone. . . but I was wondering if we could talk about maybe getting an iPhone."

Mom: "We can talk about anything." (Translation: We can talk about anything -- which doesn't mean we're buying anything.)

Jessa: "It's the pinnacle of modern technology." (She really said that -- where does she get this stuff?) "It has a touch screen -- that's huge. It's not just a cell phone, it's also an iPod, camera, mobile web. It has huge memory. It makes you want to communicate more."


Jessa, lamely, seeing the sales pitch is going nowhere: "Steve Jobs and the Apple guys won the race to make communication coolest." (He must be IMing her these lines.)

Mom: "So how much does it cost?"

Jessa: "$499, I think. . . maybe $399?"

Mom: Silence

Jessa, wistfully: "The phone itself is so sweet, who wouldn't want one?"

Mom, picturing herself being hunted down and reminded of errands, deadlines and duties: "Me."

Are any of you being pestered by a child or spouse to get an iPhone?


at 2:42 PM, June 27, 2007 Blogger Unknown said...

I am going to be camping out at the Apple Store all day Friday waiting for one of these bad boys.

at 5:09 PM, June 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

499? isn't that only the special deal when you take a lengthy contract and agree to pay oodles a month. makes you miss one ringy dingy...

at 8:01 AM, June 28, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Jessa needs a job!

at 8:41 AM, June 28, 2007 Blogger Brah Coon said...

I told my kid, "lookit, Percy - you're getting two dixie-cups & and a ball of twine and like it"

at 11:46 AM, June 28, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

$499 for 4 gig, $599 for 5 gig. 2-year AT&T contract required. Packages start at $60 and include unlimited data. That's actually a reasonable deal. If I wouldn't be stuck with AT&T (formerly Cingular of notoriously bad customer service) I'd be all over that deal.

Unfortunately, AT&T's data network is currently mediocre so connection away from hot spots will be frustratingly slow. Might be better to wait until AT&T's promised network upgrade.

I still might make the jump when my contract expires.

at 6:44 PM, June 29, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said...

My son pays for his own cell phone. It's part of the whole "personal financial responsibility" parenting kick I'm known for. He had to pay for the second video game system he wanted, too...Grandpa got him the first one for Christmas one year. We have a computer (duh, I'm writing) and we have a landline, so he's not deprived of technology in the house. But if he wants something other than what's here, he has to pay for it.

So I asked him today if he was going to get an iPhone. He said, "are you kidding? At that price? No way, it's not worth it!"

Heh heh, that's my boy. :)

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